5月30日,国家图书馆数字资源门户正式开通试运行。通过门户系统,读者可足不出户就轻松查找国家图书馆的数字化馆藏。国家图书馆数字资源门户是国图最新推出的馆藏资源公共服务平台,是利用数字图书馆技术开展远程服务的重要手段。该门户将国家图书馆购买和自建的37种中文数据库,77种外文数据库,1万6千余种中外文电子期刊,学术会议录、企业名录等资源以及国图 OPAC 公共目录检索系统
May 30, the National Library of digital resources portal officially opened trial operation. Through the portal system, readers can easily find the national library digital collection without leaving home. National Library of China Digital Resources Portal is the latest national library resources public service platform, is the use of digital library technology to carry out an important means of remote services. The portal stores 37 Chinese databases, 77 foreign language databases, over 16,000 Chinese and foreign electronic journals, academic conferences, business directories and other resources purchased by the National Library and National Library OPAC Public Directory Retrieval System