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1987年企业全面推行承包制以来,企业的经营管理自生权,虽有不同程度的扩大,但种种现象表明,缺乏自主权目前仍是不少企业面临的重要问题。第一,企业法人代表——厂长,主要还是由行政部门任命。少数企业虽是招标承包,而其中相当一部分属“内定”的。被任命或“内定”的厂长就不得不按照上级部门的意志行事。不仅如此,在一个承包期内,厂长被调任他职的也不乏其人。有一家机械企业,承包三年竟换了三任厂长。第二,企业对干部的任免和对职工的违纪处罚的权力还相当有限。干部能上不能下,职工能奖不能罚的现象大量存在。报载我省某县一家企业的一名职工因严重违纪被开除,该职工不服,经有关部门裁决,该职工竟然获胜,结果厂长和一名副厂长愤而辞职。这种例子虽然不多,但并非偶然。第三,在材料采购和产品销售上,一些地区和部门为了保护本地区、本部门的利益,控制“肥水外流”,对企业横加干涉。尽管国家计划管理的统配物资到目前仅有17种,但仍有一些不属于计划控制范围的物资的采购和供应被有关部门控制。 In 1987, after the enterprises implemented the contract system in an all-round way, the right to operate and manage their own businesses has expanded to varying degrees. However, various phenomena indicate that lack of autonomy is still an important issue faced by many companies. First, the corporate legal representative, the director, is still mainly appointed by the administrative department. Although a small number of enterprises are contracted for bidding, a considerable part of them are “indeed”. The director who is appointed or “determined” will have to act according to the will of the higher authorities. Not only that, during the contract period, the director was transferred to his post as well. There is a mechanical company that has contracted three directors for three years. Second, the power of enterprises to appoint and remove cadres and disciplinary offences against employees is still quite limited. There is a large number of phenomena that employees cannot be punished. An employee who was reported to be a company in a county in our province was expelled for serious violations of the rules. The employee was dissatisfied and the relevant department decided that the worker won the game. As a result, the factory manager and a deputy factory director resigned. Although there are not many such examples, it is not accidental. Third, in the procurement of materials and sales of products, some areas and departments have to control the “fat and water outflow” in order to protect the interests of the region and their departments, and interfere with the companies. Although there are only 17 kinds of co-ordination materials managed by the state plan, there are still some procurement and supply of materials that are not under the control of the plan.
我院从1975年1月至1986年12月,共收治泌尿系损伤急诊入院的病人205例,其中肾脏损伤72例,占35%。现报告如下。临床资料 1.一般资料:本组72例,男56例,女16例,男女比例为3.5:1;
参加化学反应的各物质的质量总和等于反应后生成的各物质的质量总和,这就是质量守恒定律。质量守恒定律是一个普遍规律,应用于一切化学反应,但在很多情况下,我们所看到的现象却不是这样,这就需要我们分析一下出现不守恒现象的原因。  一、质量增多了  如下图:镁条的燃烧。  通过称量发现:反应后生成的白色固体的质量比反应前镁条的质量增加了,这是因为根据质量守恒定律,反应后氧化镁的质量等于参加反应的镁条的质量与
在国外以“我是中国人”自豪的名人,一位是吉鸿昌将军,另一位是童第周先生。 1931年11月,国民党安排爱国将领吉鸿昌赴美国“考察”。一天,吉鸿昌到纽约一家邮局去寄邮件,该
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