Properties of Al/Conductive Coating/α-PbO_2-CeO_2-TiO_2/β-PbO_2-WC-ZrO_2 Composite Anode for Zinc El

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzs
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The properties of Al/conductive coating/α-PbO_2-CeO_2-TiO_2/β-PbO_2-WC-ZrO_2 composite anode for zinc electrowinning were investigated. The electrochemical performance was studied by Tafel polarization curves(Tafel), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) and corrosion rate obtained in an acidic zinc sulfate electrolyte solution. Scanning electron microscopy(SEM), X-ray diffraction(XRD), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDXS) were used to observe the microstructural features of coating. Anodes of Al/conductive coating/α-PbO_2-CeO_2-TiO_2/β-PbO_2, Al/conductive coating/α-PbO_2-CeO_2-TiO_2/β-PbO_2-WC, Al/conductive coating/α-PbO_2-CeO_2-TiO_2/β-PbO_2-ZrO_2, and Pb-1%Ag anodes were also researched. The results indicated that the Al/conductive coating/α-PbO_2-CeO_2-TiO_2/β-PbO_2-WC-ZrO_2 showed the best catalytic activity and corrosion resistant performance; the intensity of diffraction peak exhibited the highest value as well as a new PbWO_4 phase; the content of WC and ZrO_2 in coating showed the highest value as well as the finest grain size. The properties of Al / conductive coating / α-PbO_2-CeO_2-TiO_2 / β-PbO_2-WC-ZrO_2 composite anode for zinc electrowinning were investigated. The electrochemical performance was studied by Tafel polarization spectroscopy (EIS) and corrosion rate obtained in an acidic zinc sulfate electrolyte solution. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) were used to observe the microstructural features of coating. Anodes of Al / conductive coating / α-PbO_2-CeO_2-TiO_2 / β-PbO_2 Al / conductive coating / α-PbO_2-CeO_2-TiO_2 / β-PbO_2-WC and Al / conductive coating / α-PbO_2-CeO_2-TiO_2 / β- PbO_2-ZrO_2, and Pb-1% Ag anodes were also researched. The results indicated that the Al / conductive coating / α-PbO_2-CeO_2-TiO_2 / β-PbO_2-WC-ZrO_2 showed the best catalytic activity and corrosion resistant performance; the intensity of diffraction peak exhibited the highest value as well as a new PbWO_4 phase; the content of WC and ZrO_2 in coating showed the highest value as well as the finest grain size.
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7月4日至7日山东省大企业档案工作协作组第四次会议在日照港务局召开,胜利石油管理局、齐鲁石化公司等大企业和省、日照档案局的40位代表参加了会议。 From July 4 to July 4