
来源 :中国血吸虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huacheng520
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目的探索长江江苏段水域水体中日本血吸虫尾蚴时间分布与地域分布特点。方法利用哨鼠尾蚴测定法,5-9月长江汛期在沿江200 km江段,设45个预警监测点,每月1次、连续进行5次血吸虫感染性测定;建立江水感染性动态数据库,再利用Google Earth(谷歌地球)和Picasa 3.1图片管理软件,表达分析长江汛期哨鼠预警阳性点的时空分布和环境特点等。结果 2009年5-9月,45个点、5个批次共投放哨鼠4 500只,回收哨鼠4 411只,现场投放哨鼠总回收率为98.33%;共计解剖哨鼠4 370只,检获阳性哨鼠23只,哨鼠血吸虫总感染率为0.53%,逐月哨鼠血吸虫感染率分别为0.23%、0.23%、0、0.45%和1.73%;检获血吸虫成虫55条,阳性哨鼠平均虫负荷为2.39条/只,逐月阳性哨鼠平均虫负荷分别为1.00、2.00、0、1.50条/只和2.87条/只。5个月共计监测到哨鼠阳性点11个(其中1个点出现2次阳性),占监测点数的24.44%;逐月哨鼠阳性点数分别为1、2、0、1个和8个,逐月阳性点出现率分别为2.22%、4.44%、0、2.22%和17.78%,逐月阳性点出现构成比分别为8.33%、16.67%、0、8.33%和66.67%,9月份哨鼠阳性点出现率显著高于6月份(χ2=4.05,P=0.044)。11个哨鼠阳性点中,属码头渡口和渔船民集散地各有3个,修造船厂和新长洲滩各1个;其中涵闸通江河口哨鼠感染率最高,为2.08%~6.45%。结论长江汛期血吸虫感染性呈双峰型分布,9月份水域血吸虫感染性最强,7月份为江滩地区感染性钉螺世代交替时期,8-10月是防控急性血吸虫病发生的关键时段。 Objective To explore the temporal distribution and geographical distribution of cercariae of Schistosoma japonicum in the waters of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province. Methods Using the sentinel cercariae assay, from May to September in the Yangtze River flood season in the 200 km along the Yangtze River, 45 early-warning monitoring points were set up once a month for 5 consecutive sepsis infections. A dynamic database of river water infestations The use of Google Earth (Google Earth) and Picasa 3.1 image management software, expression and analysis of the Yangtze River flood seizure warning positive points of temporal and spatial distribution and environmental characteristics. Results From May to September 2009, 4 500 mice and 4 411 mice were sent out at 45 points and 5 batches respectively. The total recovery rate of field rats was 98.33%. A total of 4 370 animals were dissected, The positive rate of schistosoma infection in seizures was 0.53%. The infection rates of Schistosoma japonicum were 0.23%, 0.23%, 0,0.45% and 1.73% The worm burden was 2.39 per mouse, and the average monthly worm burden of positive mice in months was 1.00, 2.00, 0.50, 2.87 per dog, respectively. In the 5 months, a total of 11 positivs were detected, of which 2 were positive at 1 point, accounting for 24.44% of the monitoring points. The positive points of the 2 months were 1, 2, 0, 1 and 8 respectively, The positive rates of monthly positive were 2.22%, 4.44%, 0,2.22% and 17.78% respectively. The positive rates of monthly positive were 8.33%, 16.67%, 0,8.33% and 66.67% Point incidence was significantly higher than in June (χ2 = 4.05, P = 0.044). Of the 11 positive sentinel animals, there were 3 distribution centers for ferry terminals and fishing boat people, 1 for shipyard and Xinchangzhou Beach respectively, and the highest infection rate was 2.08% -6.45%. Conclusions The infection of schistosomiasis in the Yangtze River in summer is bimodal. The most infective area of ​​schistosomiasis was in September. In July, the infectious snails were alternated from July to October. The key period to prevent and control acute schistosomiasis was from August to October.
咳嗽变异性哮喘(cough variant asthma,CVA)是一种特殊类型的哮喘,最初由Glause于1972年报道。因临床表现不典型,肺部一般没有哮鸣音,极易误诊[1]。我院遇到1例曾误诊数年,现