What VW to do in China

来源 :China Auto | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hunterpo
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Volkswagen AG took part in the ever-great auto exhibition of this century in China, Auto Shanghai ’99 held during July 15 to 20, with an unprecedented display space of more than 1,000 square meters and brought 14 passenger cars as well as the dissections of Lupo and Passat to the visitors. During the exhibition, reporters of CHINA AUTO interviewed with the officials of VW AG. Here are the records of the interview. Volkswagen AG took part in the ever-great auto exhibition of this century in China, Auto Shanghai ’99 held during July 15 to 20, with an unprecedented display space of more than 1,000 square meters and brought 14 passenger cars as well as the dissections of Lupo and Passat to the visitors. During the exhibition, reporters of CHINA AUTO interviewed with the officials of VW AG. Here are the records of the interview.
详细地介绍了流体动力式声波发生器在原油防蜡降粘方面的研究和应用情况 ,并对发生器的工作性能参数进行了试验测试与优化 ,优选出几种具有实际应用效果的声波发生器。此外 ,
触点式点火系统的摩托车按规定要有一个点火提前角,而这个提前角非常重要,它直接关系到摩托车的启动性能、加速性能和经济性能。 为了保证点火时间的准确,安装时磁电机端的
故障现象 一辆行驶3万km的捷达轿车,在京石高速路上以140km/h的速度行驶时,驾驶员发现仪表盘上充电指示灯亮。 故障分析 捷达轿车发电机是整体式11管硅整流发电机,对于捷达
1984年,北京庆祝中华人民共和国成立35周年的游行队伍中,北京大学几位大学生突然展开“小平您好!”的横幅,反应出了广大知识分子的心声。 In 1984, when Beijing celebrated
目的了解贵州土家族、家人和白族人耳垂的群体遗传学特征。方法对1 212名双亲均为同一民族的贵州土家族、家人和白族人进行耳垂形态学活体观察,并根据Hardy-Weinberg定律