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绪言恙虫病又名沙蝨热,早在公元313年我国晋代葛洪氏所著抱扑子及肘后方二书即有记载,明朝李时珍在其所著本草纲目中曾详加综述。1878年Baelz及上川二氏曾记载其流行情况,1924年长兴氏发现其病原体,1929年绪方氏证实其为东方立克次氏体。我国近代研究,自1923年Faust+氏由二例屍体解剖中找到类似东方立克次氏体之小体,怀疑本病在武汉地区及长江下游有流行后,1943年魏曦氏在昆明,1948年刘伟通氏在蘭州进行血清检验结果亦怀疑本病在该二地之存在,惜均未得典型临床病例以证实之。解放后,由于党对卫生事业的重视与关怀,恙虫病工作日益发展,自1949年起陆续有临床病例分析报告者约十二、三处,其他如病源、病媒、免疫学试验等实验研究亦与日猛进。 Introduction Tsutsugamushi disease, also known as lice fever, as early as 313 AD Jin Jun Ge Hongshi hold the puck and elbow behind the second book is documented, the Ming Dynasty Li Shizhen in its book of Materia Medica was reviewed in detail. In 1878 Baelz and Shangchuan Ershi recorded its prevalence. In 1924 Changxing’s pathogen was discovered. In 1929, Oz proved to be Oriental rickettsia. In modern China, Faust + was found in 1923 by two cases of autopsy in the body of the Eastern Rickettsia, suspected of the disease in Wuhan and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River after the epidemic in 1943, Wei Xi’s in Kunming, 1948 Liu Wei Tong’s serum test results in Lanzhou also suspect the existence of the disease in the two places, but unfortunately no typical clinical cases to confirm it. After the liberation, due to the Party’s emphasis on and care for the cause of public health, the scrub typhus has been increasingly developed. Since 1949, there have been about 12 or 13 cases of clinical case reports, and other experimental studies such as pathogen, vector, immunology and so on Also with the day ahead.
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·引子· 我的同学老刘前几年企业分流下岗,一直在家里干呆,同学称他“刘作家”。真是祸不单行,前些日子听说“刘作家”病了,今天得闲,前去探望,嫂夫人开门热情地接待我。进
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病历摘要 患者巴×,男性,38岁,藏族干部、住院号:X25731。发现肺结核17年,腹痛、腹泻20余天,于1974年2月27日人北京结核病院。 患者于57年发现肺结核,曾间断口服异菸肼、肌
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