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各种词典总喜欢把豺狼组成一个词,好像豺和狼天生就是难舍难分的朋友,互相勾搭的伙伴。其实不然。据有关资料记载:狼占据的地方,狼是不允许豺存在的;而豺因弱于狼,也不愿意与狼共栖一处。豺与狼的这种生存方式引起了不少文学家的兴趣。著名儿童文学作家沈石溪的新作《豺狼情仇》描写的就是这样一个豺狼间情仇相交、恩恩怨怨的故事。故事的梗概是这样的:母豺火烧云的一子一女被大灰狼咬死,它自己不得不悲愤地离家出走。在路上,它意外地发现了被捕兽铁夹夹住的仇敌大灰狼,以及大灰狼的两只正在哺乳期的小狼崽。复仇的信念驱使着火烧云当着大灰狼的面咬死了雄狼崽,气死了大灰狼,却因种种原因留下了雌狼崽当做以后的食物,并为其取名甜点心。在与小狼崽甜点心相处的日子里,火烧云的感情发生了微妙的变化。它不仅尽心地哺育甜点心,还多次出生入死地救护甜点心,并因此而受伤致残,还因保护甜点心而牺牲了自己的爱情。甜点心长大之后,将母豺火烧云视做自己的亲娘。为了母亲,它不惜牺牲家庭与丈夫分手,带着自己的孩子与母豺火烧云相依为命。在一个寒冷的冬天,甜点心外出捕食时被猎狗和猎人追赶,在万分危急之际,火烧云赶到。为了帮助甜点心脱身,为了以后不再拖累甜点心,为了让甜点心与丈夫重归于好,母豺火烧云不顾残疾之身,奋勇地扑到猎狗上,与猎狗同归于尽。 Various dictionaries always like to form a word coyote, like coyotes and wolves born is a hard-to-do friend, partner with each other. actually not. According to the information records: where the wolves occupy the wolf is not allowed to exist; and 豺 because weaker than the wolf, do not want to co-habitat with the wolf.豺 and the wolf this way of life has aroused the interest of many writers. Well-known children’s literature writer Shen Shixi’s new work, “Jackal Wolves,” described is such a wolf interlobular, envy and resentment of the story. The outline of the story is this: a son of a firefly cloud was killed by a wolf, herself had to run away indignantly. On the way, it accidentally discovered the enemy wolves caught by the beast of iron behemoths and the two wolf cubs of the wolves being breast-feeding. Revenge of the faith driven fire cloud in front of the wolf face killed the male wolf cubs, mad at the wolf, but for various reasons left the female wolf Cubs as the future of food, and its name sweet dessert. In the days of getting along with the wolf cub sweet pastries, the feeling of burning clouds changed subtly. It not only nurtures sweet snacks, but also many birth control of sweet snacks, and thus disabled, but also for the protection of sweet snacks and sacrificed their love. After the sweetness grew up, the maternal fire cloud as their own mother. For the sake of her mother, she breaks away from her husband at the expense of her family and takes her own children and her mother to burn the cloud. In a cold winter, sweet snacks go hunting catch hunters and catching up, extremely critical occasion, the fire cloud arrived. In order to help get rid of the sweet dessert, in order to no longer drag on the sweet dessert in the future, in order to make sweet snacks and husbands return to good, ignoring the disability of the maternal fire cloud, fiercely rushed to the hunting dogs, and the hounds go back to the top.
成一《白银谷》 在我看来,近百万言的长篇小说《白银谷》,是作家成一以其小说家的眼光和手段,对一种伟大的金融传统的复活与惋叹。80年代中期以来,也许是商品经济的触动,也许是文化