Research and Application of Constructivism-based Reading Teaching in Vocational Colleges

来源 :传奇.传记文学选刊(教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leux
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Reading plays an important role in language learning.It is an essential channel for students to acquire knowledge and communicate with others.Reading is also an indispensable step of language input.Constructivism is one of the important branches of cognitive theory.According to constructivism,the nature of learning is that the students actively make their own meaning construction under a certain circumstance.During the process,communication and cooperation are of great importance. Reading plays an important role in language learning.It is an essential channel for students to acquire knowledge and communicate with others. Reading is also an indispensable step of language input .Constructivism is one of the important branches of cognitive theory. According to constructivism, the nature of learning is that the students actively make their own meaning construction under a certain circumstance. During the process, communication and cooperation are of great importance.
萨空了是我国20世纪著名的新闻出版家、社会活动家,他1927年开始从事新闻工作,曾供职于《北京晚报》、《世界日报》、《立报》、《华商报》等报社,是《光明日报》的创始人之一。他1945年加入中国民主同盟,曾任民盟中央副主席。他是蒙古族,对新中国的少数民族翻译出版事业做了许多卓有成效的、拓荒性的工作,结下了他作为中国民主同盟文化界的高级知识分子,与少数民族翻译出版事业剪不断的渊源。  1953年1月1
目的观察在低剂量率放疗中顺铂和低温热疗的增敏作用,以探索一种临床上更为有效的肿瘤治疗方法.方法对人卵巢癌细胞株A2780-S(对顺铂和辐射敏感)和A2780-CP(抗顺铂和辐射)在低剂量率放疗(1ow dose rateirradiation,LDRI)前或后,用顺铂和低温热疗(mild hyperthermia,MH)处理,观察二者对LDRI的增敏作用.结果A2780-S,顺铂(1或3μg/ml
目的 :分析慢性期慢粒白血病患者血清铜、锌、铁、镁含量与 bcl- 2、c- m yc基因表达水平的变化及其相互关系 ,为慢粒白血病发生机制研究及临床诊治提供实验依据。方法 :采用