Functional Characterization of a Putative Nitrate Transporter Gene Promoter from Rice

来源 :Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:RedCandleCalmFire
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Drought is one of the most significant abiotic stresses that influence plant growth anddevelopment.Expression analysis revealed that OsNRT1.3,a putative nitrate transporter gene in rice,wasinduced by drought.To confirm if the OsNRT1.3 promoter can respond to drought stress,a 2019 bpupstream sequence of OsNRT1.3 was cloned.Three OsNRT1.3 promoter fragments were generated by5′-deletion,and fused to the β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene.The chimeric genes were introduced into riceplants.NRT2019::GUS,NRT1196::GUS and NRT719::GUS showed similar expression patterns in seeds,roots,leaves and flowers in all transgenic rice,and GUS activity conferred by different OsNRT1.3 promoterfragments was significantly upregulated by drought stress,indicating that OsNRT1.3 promoter responds todrought stress and the 719 bp upstream sequence of OsNRT1.3 contains the drought response elements. Drought is one of the most significant abiotic stresses that influence plant growth and development. Expression Analysis revealed that OsNRT1.3, a putative nitrate transporter gene in rice, wasinduced by drought. To confirm if the OsNRT1.3 promoter can respond to drought stress, a 2019 bpupstream sequence of OsNRT1.3 was cloned.Three OsNRT1.3 promoter fragments were generated by 5’-deletion, and fused to the β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene.The chimeric genes were introduced into rice plants. NRT2019 :: GUS, NRT1196: : GUS and NRT719 :: GUS showed similar expression patterns in seeds, roots, leaves and flowers in all transgenic rice, and GUS activity conferred by different OsNRT1.3 promoterfragments were significantly upregulated by drought stress, indicating that OsNRT1.3 promoter responds todrought stress and the 719 bp upstream sequence of OsNRT1.3 contains the drought response elements.
1  多年以后,也许不用很多年,我们一定会反思,为什么没有在2011年,或者在2012年认识到诗人骆英的《7+2登山日记》的出版,实际上标志着,中国以及世界诗歌史的一个重大事件发生了。
江西赣南是我国第二次国内革命战争时期中央苏区所在地。解放后,在党中央、国务院的关怀下,通过全区干部、群众的艰苦努力,其贫困面貌有了很大的改观。但由于多方面的原 Jia