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陈受之同志是我国纺织界一位德高望重的老专家,也是我院尊敬的老院长。今年是陈受之同志诞辰100周年,深切缅怀他在院作出的贡献,是对他最好的纪念。陈受之同志1960年进院任院长,直至1990年退休,在院整整工作了三十年,经历了创业、文革和改革开放三个阶段,历尽艰难曲折,饱尝甜酸苦辣。这三十年中,我院从小到大,由弱变强,已建成一个综合性的纺织研究院,成为全国纺织研究南北“两个拳头”之一。陈受之同志在院的 Comrade Chen is a highly respected veteran expert in China’s textile industry and a dean of our hospital. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Chen Shou-zi. His deep memory of his contribution made at the hospital is the best memory of him. Comrade Chen Zhizhi was admitted to the hospital in 1960 until he retired in 1990, working in the hospital for thirty years. After going through three stages of business start-up, the Cultural Revolution and the reform and opening up, he experienced numerous ups and downs and suffered from bittersweetness. In these thirty years, our institute grew up from weak to strong, and has built up a comprehensive textile research institute and became one of the two fists in the national textile research. Chen’s comrades in the hospital
摘 要:历史一轮复习中,要把复习的主动权交给学生,要立足教材,立足课堂,给课堂以活力。本文就此进行论述。  关键词:历史 课堂 教材 活力 主动权    高中学业水平测试一结束,就标志着历史一轮复习即将开始,标志着高考复习的序幕就要拉开。一轮复习的成败,直接关系着高考的成败,所以历史复习千万不能输在起跑线上。  复习毕竟不同于新授,教师如果用新授的方法进行复习,学生的兴趣难于激发,教师的教学热情消
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