Reviewing China's Energy Policies

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiukaifeng
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On December 26,the Information Office of the State Council issued its first ever white paper on China’s energy conditions and policies.“China’s energy development emphasizes thrift,cleanliness and safety,”says the white paper titled“China’s Energy Conditions and Policies,”under the joint compilation of the Energy Bureau and the Institute of Macro Economics, both under the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). Officials from the NDRC were interviewed by Xinhua News Agency on issues about the white paper.Here are excerpts of the interview. On December 26, the Information Office of the State Council issued its first ever white paper on China’s energy conditions and policies. “China’s energy development emphasizes thrift, cleanliness and safety, ” says the white paper titled “China’s Energy Conditions and Policies , ”under the joint compilation of the Energy Bureau and the Institute of Macro Economics, both under the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). Officials from the NDRC were interviewed by Xinhua News Agency on issues about the white paper. Here are excerpts of the interview.
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