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随着移动互联网的迅猛发展,社群时代已悄然来袭,并逐渐占据主流地位,对整个社会的生活方式、消费模式、商业规律、品牌营销产生了颠覆式的影响。青田好味道身为青田第一美食品牌的微信公众号,因势利导、顺势而为,积极创建极富本土特色的青田好味道社群。经过近两年的运营,平台建立了较完善的社群运营机制,推动了平台和社群的良性互动发展。一、社群时代悄然来临,青田好味道社群应运而生 With the rapid development of mobile Internet, the community age has quietly struck and has gradually taken the mainstream status. It has a subversive influence on the lifestyles, consumption patterns, business rules and brand marketing of the entire society. Qingtian good taste as the first gourmet brand Qingtian WeChat public number, make the best use of homeopathy and actively create a very rich local flavor Qingtian good taste community. After nearly two years of operation, the platform has established a relatively perfect community operation mechanism and promoted the benign interaction between the platform and the community. First, the community era quietly coming, Qingtian good taste community came into being