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当前中职生文化素质差,学习公共文化课的积极性低,这是普遍现象。如何调动学生学习语文的积极性,这是摆在每个中职语文老师面前的一道难题。这个问题不解决,语文在中职的地位就只能是摆设。中职的学生也不全是循规蹈矩的学生,中职的语文老师在教育教学中也需另辟蹊径。 At present, secondary vocational students have poor cultural quality and low enthusiasm in studying public culture classes, which is a common phenomenon. How to mobilize the enthusiasm of students to learn Chinese, which is placed in front of every secondary language teacher a problem. This problem can not be solved. The position of language in secondary vocational school can only be arranged. Secondary vocational students are not all behave students, secondary language teachers in education also need another way.
问:我是一个初学者,有两个问题请教。1)A Dew map of the world___on the back wall of the classroom.其中空白应填动词 hang 的什么形式?填 ishanged 或 has hung 是否成