Research on Radiation Safety Standard System of Radioisotope and Radiation Equipment

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingstarKS
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With the development of science and technology,radioisotope products(including sealed radioactive sources and unsealed radioactive sources)and radiation equipment are widely used in the field of medical,industrial,agricultural,geological surveys,research and teaching,but at the same time radiation hazards to humans and With the development of science and technology, radioisotope products (including sealed radioactive sources and unsealed radioactive sources) and radiation equipment are widely used in the field of medical, industrial, agricultural, geological surveys, research and teaching, but at the same time radiation hazards to humans and
自厚型气体电子倍增器(THGEM)发明以来,引起了多国科学家的兴趣,本研究小组自2010年开始对THGEM进行了研究。本文建立了灵敏面积为200 mm×200 mm的基于THGEM的位置灵敏型α
利用低浓铀(low enriched uranium,LEU)生产裂变~(99)Mo时会产生杂质核素~(90)Sr和~(103)Ru,为了确定~(99)Mo产品的放射性核素纯度,需测定上述杂质核素的去污系数。在~(99)Mo
Control rod drive mechanism(CRDM)is one of most important components concerning reactor safety and used for nuclear reactor startup,scram and power autoregulati
2014年6月12日,由北京机电研究所锻压中心研制、生产的1250 mm自动辊锻机组在齐齐哈尔轨道交通装备有限责任公司顺利滚出第一根坯料,标志着该型号机组热试车成功。齐齐哈尔轨