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自从我第一次走近阳关,他那不朽的身影就深深印在了我的心里。萧萧秋风里,夕阳下的阳关烽燧,像一位执着地坚守在山岗上的壮士。他知道自己肩负的重任一那个事实上真正的关城已经只剩下史书中的文字记录,和古董滩上或者青黑或者灰白的一大片残碎的瓦砾。而他这个曾经只是阳关耳目的烽火台,现在却成了阳关仅存于世的唯一的象征。不知从什么时候起,他就成为人们心目中的阳关了。这个阳关烽燧居高临下,向瞩目他的每一个人表明自己鲜明的信念,那就是坚持 Since my first visit to Yang Guan, his monumental figure has been deeply imprinted in my heart. Hsiao autumn, the sun under the sunset Feng Sui, like a dedicated to stick to the warrior in the hills. He knew he was responsible for the fact that the true city of Guancheng had left only the textual records in his history books and a large piece of broken rubble on antique beaches or dark blue or gray. And his beacon, which once used to be a positive sign, is now the only symbol of the existence of the world. I do not know since when, he became the mind of people in the Yang Guan. This Yang Feng Feng Suolou commanding presence, to show his attention to each one of his own clear conviction, that is, adhere to
劳顾问: 我是广州某国有造船企业的船舱电焊工,今年51周岁,连续工龄28年,其中从事船舱电焊工18年,本单位工作年限19年。我1997年7月份因患风湿性心脏病(二尖瓣狭窄)住院治疗
GTE公司近日针对AT&T和Comcast提起的法律诉讼称,根据反托拉斯法,不让Internet服务提供商使用它们的高速网络是违法的。 这项诉讼是AOL、GTE和其他公司为了获得通过有线电视
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此案引起山东省乃至全国政法战线的密切关注,在菏泽地区八百万人民中产生了强烈反响。 The case has aroused the close attention of the political and military front in
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