The strategies of optimizing grade teaching in the construction of college English public curriculum

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wilee818
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  【 Abstract 】 Facing with the gap of students’ learning abilities, most universities begin to try out personalizing teaching mode, and grade teaching has become a new trend of teaching reform. The original intention of this paper is to discuss how to design precise and targeted courses, carry out personalized teaching mode and exploration of multi-disciplinary integration courses.
  【 Key words 】graded teaching strategy; individualized teaching
  Ι. The necessity of grading teaching in college English public curriculum
  “One Belt And One Road” is the new initiative in the new era. As institutions of talent cultivation, universities should adapt to the requirements of the new international development. The national outline of education development has clearly pointed out that colleges and universities should cultivate talents with international vision and international competitiveness. Therefore, colleges and universities must adjust the goals and plans of talent cultivation, integrate theory teaching with practice teaching and attach importance to the cultivation of students’ intercultural communication ability.
  Second, from characteristic of English language, it belongs to the category of language study. It contains more vocabularies, complex grammar knowledge, a more comprehensive use of language knowledge. Students are often difficult to understand and hard to catch the emphasis and difficulty in teaching. Students gradually lost interest in learning English and lose learning confidence, reduce the learning efficiency. Learning result is also affected.
  Ⅱ. Optimize graded teaching to ensure English teaching effect
  1. Optimize the teaching staff to ensure the smooth progress of graded teaching
  Teacher is the designer, the instructor, participant and evaluator in teaching. Therefore, the key of the curriculum reform and the transformation is the comprehensive construction and optimization of teaching staff in colleges and universities, training a group of teachers with knowledge of professional skills and practical ability, promoting the overall practical teaching ability of teachers are the keys to ensure the smooth implementation of curriculum transformation escort.
  2. Stage grading of courses
  When designing the curriculum, teachers should divide the whole curriculum into three parts, that is: before teaching, during teaching and after teaching. Specifically, before teaching, teacher should upload the teaching goal, knowledge, and the courseware in the form of multimedia electronic documents to the learning platform. Let students access and preview materials before class, let them understand the difficulties in advance. Change the original traditional education and teaching mode, let students participate in more discussion, summary and thinking about learning activities, strengthen the interaction between students and teachers, teachers feedback on students’ learning results on time, make learning target knowledge internalized. In the teaching process, teachers can test students’ target knowledge in the form of “question-answer”, deepen students’ knowledge through specific questions and feedbacks, and help students sort out knowledge points through group discussion and teacher comments. Finally, in the post-teaching stage, we should increase monitoring students’ independent learning, encourage students to use the independent learning platform to find learning materials which are suitable for their own ability levels, supplement what they have not learned in class, and optimize and integrate the knowledge in class and after class. Only in this way can a virtuous circle be formed to help students internalize what they have learned and deepen their learning memory and understanding.
  Ⅲ. Epilogue
  With the further development of teaching reform, classroom teaching is also innovative. Teachers should update teaching ideas, advance with The Times, change the traditional exam-oriented teaching mode. Graded teaching is a great way of reform and development. Formulate scientific and reasonable teaching goal task according to their aptitude, give each student equal learning opportunity, meet the needs of each student, finally realize the English learning efficiency.
【摘要】名词化作为产生部分名词的一种“过程”,通过派生或零转换的方式产生名词,在保留动词和形容词原有语法功能的基础上,使得表达变得抽象、概括且正式。在环境英语中存在很多名词短语,在进行翻译的过程中,需要将名词短语还原为简单句结构如主谓、动宾结构等,同时还应该考虑到名词短语的句法和意义,进行合理的翻译还原。  【关键词】名词化;名词短语;环境英语;翻译  【作者简介】韩建政,山东科技大学外国语学院。
【摘要】《论语》是一部记录孔子及其弟子言行的著作,是中华传统文化的重要组成部分。本研究使用文本分析法对两种《论语》英译本的若干例子作了具体的分析,对不同译者的风格和译文质量的高下做出品评;另外本文对于不同译者的风格及其成因也作了一定程度的探讨,佐证了德国功能主义翻译理论关于“目的论”的相关观点。  【关键词】《论语》;文化;翻译风格;目的论  【作者简介】唐秀峰,曲阜师范大学公共外语教学部。  孔
【摘要】培养学生的口语表达能力,锻炼和提升学生综合语言应用能力是新一轮课程改革以来学生应该具备的能力之一。但是,从目前的英语教学现状来看,包括教师、学生在内的各方面都不太注重英语口语的训练,导致很多“人才”都是试卷上的英雄,并不能很好地与人进行沟通和交流,所以,一线教师要改变这种现象,就要有效地落实课改理念,并通过恰当课堂活动的组织和应用来为学生口语表达能力的提高做出贡献。  【关键词】体校;口语
【摘要】将培养学生的语言能力、思维品质、文化品格和学习能力作为初中英语语言课教学的重要目标,通过增添英语对话课教学中的育人内涵,来实现学生在英语学习上的全面发展。核心素养引导下的初中英语对话课教学应当实现学生自主语言表达,并且在具体的对话教学中构建起科学化的教学情境和情感情境,让学生在自发性的学习体验中获得英语会话技能和自身的全面发展。  【关键词】核心素养;英语对话课;全面发展  【作者简介】童
【摘要】城镇化进程的不断加快,更多的农村劳动力涌入城市劳务市场,受城乡分割的二元社会结构体制以及自身经济条件的影响,务工的农民无法将其子女待在身边给其应有的义务教育,大多数情况下将孩子留在家里托其他监管人看护,因此诞生了新的弱势群体——留守儿童。留守儿童的教育问题一直是教育部重视的问题,特别是英语语言的教育。文章对其现状进行了分析,并提出了相应的解决策略。  【关键词】农村;留守儿童;小学英语教育
【Abstract】Anzia Yezierska in her short novel Children of Loneliness, depicts her heroine, Rachel, a college graduate, who wanted to leave behind her Lower East Side tenements and was aspired to be a r
【摘要】《师傅越来越幽默》是莫言最具代表性的中篇小说之一。本文借助顺应论这一理论框架来研究葛浩文《师傅越来越幽默》的英译,以便更好地解释顺应论对翻译的指导作用。本文主要从语境顺应角度对译本进行研究分析,语境分为语言语境和交际语境,前者包括篇内衔接、互文性和线性序列,后者包括心理世界、社交世界和物理世界。本文主要研究译者在翻译过程中使用了什么翻译方法来实现交际语境的顺应。  【关键词】顺应论;语境顺
【摘要】语法是语言学习的一个重要方面。语法教学的有效性也是英语教师不断探索的一个重要方面。任务型语法教学以建构主义和教学论为理论依据,以学生为中心,强调学生在情境交际中感受,交流,归纳,实践,总结中实现语言目标。  【关键词】任务型语法教学法;建构主义  【作者简介】王萍,新疆生产建设兵团第二中学。  众所周知,语法教学对英语学习起着关键性的作用,要学好一门语言,必须掌握这门语言的组织规律。如果学