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我是一个自幼失明的盲童,是妈妈搀扶着我摆脱了黑暗世界的恐惧与痛苦,找到了一条属于我自己的路。在我心中,妈妈是我黑暗中一个美丽的光明使者。 16年前,妈妈怀着一颗骄傲、欣喜的心迎接自己可爱宝宝的到来。出人意料的是我的母亲在经过剧烈的阵痛后,迎来的却是致命的一击。我的出生给母亲带来的是撕心裂肺的痛苦、走投无路的绝望、无以言状的酸楚。母亲为我哭哑了嗓子,流干了眼泪,然后默默地承担起了抚养我的全部责任。至今令我难忘的是妈妈让我独立行走时的情景。那是一个温暖的春日,妈妈领着我来到一条僻静的小路。他俯下身子对我说:“娟,你要知道,这辈子不能全靠妈妈活着,要学会独立走路、生活,这样妈妈才能放心。”然后妈妈就把几根齐我腰 I am a blind child blind from childhood. It is mother who helped me get rid of the fear and pain of the dark world and found a way that belongs to me. In my heart, mother is a beautiful light messenger in my darkness. Sixteen years ago, my mother greeted her lovely baby with a prideful and happy heart. Surprisingly, my mother came up with a fatal blow after fierce pains. What my birth brought to my mother was a piercing pain, desperation of desperation, and sorrow. My mother cried and squatted for me. She shed tears and silently took full responsibility for raising me. What I remember so far is the scene when my mother let me walk independently. It was a warm spring day. My mother led me to a secluded path. He leaned over and said to me: “Juan, you have to know that my entire life cannot depend on my mother’s alive. We must learn to walk and live independently so that my mother can rest assured.” Then my mother took a few roots.
例1 方程|x-2|+|x-3|=1的实数解的个数有( )。 (A)2个 (B)3个 (C)4个 (D)无数多个 (1992年“祖冲之杯”初中数学邀请赛试题) 解易见当x>3或x3 or x
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随着人口老龄化程度的加剧,老年性痴呆已成为全球共同关心的社会问题。医学专家将老年性痴呆病症分为 As the ageing of the population intensifies, senile dementia has
如今,各中学及家庭对青少年的责任、公德等素质教育显得极为苍白,致使他们存在着心理承受能力脆弱、自理自立能力缺乏等诸多缺憾,部分青少年问题研究专家急切呼吁—— Toda