
来源 :矿业研究与开发 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangbao_2002
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增阻调节会使得整个通风网络的风量发生变化,依据流体力学和通风原理,以北洺河铁矿通风系统为研究对象,绘制其等效的通风网络图,选取主要、次要和一般分支进行增阻调节,对各个机站风量变化及相关性进行了研究。结果表明:在增阻时,各机站风量变化呈现较强的规律性,整体呈递减趋势,主要分支增阻时对机站风量变化的影响较显著;各机站风量变化与增阻分支风阻变化相关性很强,相关系数介于[±0.75,±1]之间,研究结论可为矿井生产过程中的风量调节提供依据和指导。 According to the principles of fluid mechanics and ventilation, the ventilation system of Beidaihe iron mine is taken as the research object, the equivalent ventilation network diagram is drawn, and the main, secondary and general branches are selected Resistance adjustment, the air station at each station changes and correlation studies. The results show that the air volume changes at all stations show a strong regularity during the period of increasing resistance, showing a decreasing trend as a whole. The influence of the main branch increasing resistance on the air volume changes at the stations is significant. The correlation coefficient is between ± 0.75 and ± 1, and the conclusion can provide the basis and guide for the air volume regulation in the process of mine production.
如图的局势,哪方先手,结果迥然不同。 着法(红先和):1.(兵)71 (将)562.(兵)65 (象)533.(相)79 (和) As shown in the situation, which party first hand, the result is v
辽宁省《辽河杯》象棋赛为团体赛,每年一次,今年有十二个市参加。比赛结果:大连、丹东、沈阳分获前三名。 今年的《辽河杯》赛不同往年,大战十一轮,几乎每轮都有精彩的表演
中炮直车进7兵对左炮封车补列炮1.(炮)25 (马)87 2.(马)23 (车)98 3.(车)12 (卒)714.(兵)71 (炮)84 5.(马)87 (炮)25 6.(仕)45 (马)237.(车)98 (车)11 较为常见的走法是(车)
1.(炮)25 至此,黑方有两种应法,分述如下: (一) 1.……… (将)56 2.(炮)54 (士)45 3.(帅)61 (士)54 4.(帅)65 (红胜) 1. (Cannon) 25 At this point, Black has two corres
山海关杨(Populus delteides“Shan Haiguan”)全部采用7月份播种育苗,翌年春季移植,培育大苗的方法。但是,在春季选实生苗时,大多数选大苗,认为越大越好,而育苗单位,为了出
中炮七路马横车对屏风马1.(炮)25 (马)87 2.(马)23 (车)98 3.(兵)71 (卒)714.(马)87 (马)23 5.(车)11 (象)35 6.(车)14 (炮)82 平边炮亮车是近期比较流行的走法,除此尚有(士
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