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甜菜夜蛾世代重叠,近年来在我县为害逐年加重,由于长期使用有机磷等化学杀虫剂后,使其产生较高的抗药性,用药量加大,防治效果下降,污染环境,危害人民健康。为让人民吃到“放心菜”,笔者引进微生物农药BT悬浮剂防治甜菜夜蛾,取得了较好的防治效果。现将试验总结如下: 一、材料与方法 (一)供试药剂 BT悬浮剂(湖北省农科院微生物实验工厂);80%敌敌畏乳剂(湘南省常德市农药厂)。 (二)试验处理 设每亩用2500/IUBT悬浮剂200g、150g、100g3个处理,以亩用80%敌敌畏100g作对照药剂,并以不施药为空白对照。 (三)试验基本情况 试验区设在霍山县城关镇顺河街村大白菜地,土壤为砂壤土,pH7.1,肥力中等,小区面积40m~2,3次重复,随机区组排列,用工农16型喷雾器喷药,每亩均兑水75kg,均匀喷雾,施药时间为9月10日傍晚。当日平均气温23.2℃,平均相对湿度为90%,11日晨(约7时)下小雨,雨量2.5mm,药后7无,平均气温23.4-25.4℃,平均24.6℃,平均相对湿度84%-93%,平均89%,雨量29.7mm。 Beet armyworm generations overlap, in recent years, the damage in our county increased year by year, due to the long-term use of organic pesticides such as phosphorus, so that it has a higher drug resistance, dosage increased, prevention and control decreased, polluting the environment, endangering people health. In order to let the people eat the “Reliable Dishes”, the author introduced the microbial pesticide BT suspending agent to control beet armyworm, and achieved better prevention and cure effects. Now the test is summarized as follows: First, materials and methods (A) for the test agent BT suspension (Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences microbial experiment factory); 80% dichlorvos emulsion (Changde City, Hunan Province Pesticide Factory). (B) of the test set up per acre with 2500 / IUBT suspension 200g, 150g, 100g3 treatment, mu with 80% of dichlorvos 100g as a control agent, and without spraying as a blank control. (III) Basic conditions of the experiment The test area is located in the Chinese cabbage field of Shunhejie Village, Chengguan Town, Huoshan County. The soil is sandy loam soil, pH7.1 with moderate fertility. The area of ​​the plot is 40m ~ 2,3 times, Worker-peasant type 16 sprayer sprays 75 kg of water per acre and evenly sprays the spraying time on the evening of September 10. The average daily temperature was 23.2 ℃ with an average relative humidity of 90%. Light rain occurred on the morning of the 11th (about 7 o’clock), with a rainfall of 2.5 mm. After treatment, the average temperature was 23.4-25.4 ℃ with an average of 24.6 ℃ and an average relative humidity of 84% 93%, average 89%, rainfall 29.7mm.
目的:观察复方烫疡油(Fu fang tang yang you,FTY)促进小鼠创面愈合、减少瘢痕形成的作用,并探讨其作用机制。方法:采用小鼠深Ⅱ0烫伤模型。创面外用复方烫疡油治疗,并用表皮
偏头痛的确切发病机理迄今不明。经典学说认为,偏头痛发作与脑血管痉挛以及随之而来的头外血管扩张有关。Mccarthy T等认为是某种尚未查清的物质突然引起的一系列生理现象,
甜菜夜蛾LaphygmaexiguaHubner(=Spodopteraexigua Hubner)是一种常见的食叶害虫。国内主要分布于河北、河南、北京和陕西关中地区,在东北、西北和长江流域各省也有分布。该虫为杂食性,除甜莱外.还可为害多种蔬菜、棉花、玉
对于研究细胞老化来说 ,红细胞是一个很好的模型 ,这是因为 :(一 )红细胞没有合成蛋白能力 ,故不可能对损伤进行修复 ;(二 )红细胞膜是它的唯一质膜 ,分离时不易造成污染 ;(