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2016年上半年营业收入942.05亿元,比上半年同期增长1.04%;实现归属于母公司所有者的净利润47.95亿元,比上半年同期增长2.04%……这张靓丽的“成绩单”来自全球最大的轨道交通装备制造商——中国中车。中车之所以能够长期在业内保持领先,秘诀就是不停歇的创新和转型,这是中国制造的必由之路。靠创新,走向价值高端三一重工位于长沙的“18号厂房”。这是亚洲最大的智能化制造车 The operating income in the first half of 2016 was RMB94,205 million, an increase of 1.04% over the same period of the previous year; the net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company was RMB4,795 million, an increase of 2.04% over the same period of the first half of the year ...... This beautiful “transcript” “From China’s largest car manufacturer of rail transportation equipment. The reason why the car can keep a long-term in the industry, the secret is non-stop innovation and transformation, which is the only way for Chinese-made. By innovation, to the high-value Sany Heavy Industry is located in Changsha, ”No. 18 plant." This is the largest intelligent manufacturing car in Asia
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摘要目的研究慢性心力衰竭(HF)病人的肾功能与肾灌注及肾实质结构(T1弛豫)间的关系。方法经过伦理委员会(IRB)批准,根据HF和肾功能的状态入组40名参与者 Abstract Objective
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一 1984年5月11日凌晨三时许,被告(香港东方船务有限公司)所属的巴拿马籍“海利”轮,载有航行用燃油(20#燃油)176吨、柴油66吨、润滑油3600升、苯酚11.1吨、硫化钠51.3吨、
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