落实“三个代表”要求 深入开展“八到户”活动

来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfsdfdf
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去年11月,沧州市委主要领导同志在广泛深入调查研究的基础上,提出了干部转变作风要具体做到“八到户”.即:群众意见征求到户,政策法规宣传到户,党员作用发挥到户.干部身心感情到户.种植观念转变到户,调整结构措施到户,科学技术服务到户.增加收入体现到户为了把“八到户”的要求尽快变为全市广大干部的实际行动.市委学教办迅即以文件的形式下发了《关于在全市农村学教活动中广泛开展“八到户”活动的通知》,要求各县(市、区)党委把开展“八到户”活动与农村学教活动结合起来抓紧抓好。对此,各级党委高度重视,建立组织,制定方案,周密部署,扎实推进,使“八到户”活动在全市普遍展开。综合全市情况,主要抓了以下几点。 Last November, on the basis of extensive and thorough investigation and study, the leading leaders of Cangzhou Municipal Party Committee proposed that the cadres should change their style of work in order to achieve “eight to ten households.” That is, people’s opinions are solicited at home, policies and regulations are publicized to families and party members The role of play to the home. Cadres body and mind to the home. Cultivation concept to households, adjust the structure of measures to households, science and technology services to households .Increase income to householdsIn order to “eight to households” as soon as possible into the city The actual action of the cadres.The Municipal Science Education Office immediately issued in the form of a document on the city’s rural learning activities widely carried out “eight to households” notice, requiring the county (city, district) Party committees To carry out “eight to ” activities and rural learning activities combined to grasp do a good job. In this regard, party committees at all levels attach great importance to the establishment of organizations, the development of programs, careful deployment, solid progress, so that “eight to households ” activities in the city in general. Comprehensive city situation, mainly caught the following points.
目的研究枸杞多糖(Lycium barbarum polysaccharides,LBP)对N-甲基-N亚硝脲(N-methy-N-nitrosourea,MNU)致大鼠视网膜色素变性损伤的保护作用及对caspase-9-caspase-3/caspas