建一流警署 创一流业绩——记余姚市公安局城区警察署

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1997年4月1日,我省首家警察署在余姚成立,并被宁波市局和余姚市局列为“为人民服务,树公安新风”示范窗口单位。作为公安饥构和勤务制度改革的一种尝试,警署既不同于公安分局,又不同于派出所。在没有任何现成经验可以借鉴的情况下,全署83名干警在署长赵永山和党总支一班人的带领下,在上级公安机关和当地党委政府的正确领导、关心和指导下,紧紧围绕党的中心工作,以邓小平理论和党的十五大精神为指导,按照局党委提出的“建一流班子,创一流业绩,带一流队伍”的总体要求,提出了“警署建一流,为局争国优”的奋斗目标,扎实开展“为人民服务,树公安新风”活动,各项工作取得了令人瞩目的成绩。建署以来,警署和所辖刑侦中队各被集体嘉奖2次,3名干警荣记个人三等功,19名干警受到嘉奖,署党总支被评为先进党支部。他们的主要经验有: On April 1, 1997, the first police station in our province was set up in Yuyao and listed by the Ningbo Municipal Bureau and Yuyao Bureau as the demonstration window unit for “serving the people and tree fresh air”. As an attempt to reform the public order and service system, the police station is different from the police station and the police station. In the absence of any ready-made experience to learn from, the 83 officers of the entire bureau, under the leadership of Director Zhao Yongshan and a party chief and a leader of the party, and under the correct leadership, care and guidance of the higher-level public security organs and local party committees and governments, Tightly around the central work of the party, guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the spirit of the 15th Party Congress, in accordance with the overall requirements put forward by the party committee of the CPC Central Bureau for “building a first-class team and creating first-class performance with a first-class team,” the “police station Build a first-class, strive for the best in the country, strive for the goal of the country and carry out the activity of ”serving the people and rehabilitating the public security of trees." All work has made remarkable achievements. Since the establishment of the department, the Police Station and the criminal investigation squadrons under the jurisdiction of the Central Government have all been acclaimed two times in a row. Three police officers have honored their personal third class work, 19 police officers have been commended, and the general branch of the Department of Administration has been appraised as the Advanced Party Branch. Their main experience is:
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孩子教不好,别抱怨社会  和一位朋友聊天,朋友说现在中国的教育制度太糟糕了,他不准备让孩子上普通的学校,想送孩子到私塾类的学校读书,等孩子到了中学阶段就送他到国外读书。他说,这是他的真实想法,但是在实施前,他想听听我的意见。  我问了他三个问题:第一,你退休后是不是希望到国外生活?他回答说不愿意,因为他已经习惯了中国的文化和生活方式,也喜欢这里的朋友圈子。第二,你愿不愿意和独生子女远隔重洋几年不见