3D Flow Past Transonic Turbine Cascade SE 1050-Experiment and Numerical Simulations

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zolono188
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This paper is concerned with experimental and numerical research on 3D flow past prismatic turbine cascade SE1050 (known in QNET network as open test case SE1050). The primary goal was to assess the influence of the inlet velocity profile on the flow structures in the interblade channel and on the flow field parameters at the cascade exit and to compare these findings to results of numerical simulations. Investigations of 3D flow past the cascade with non-uniform inlet velocity profile were carried out both experimentally and numerically at subsonic (M 2is = 0.8) and at transonic (M 2is = 1.2) regime at design angle of incidence. Experimental data was obtained using a traversing device with a five-hole conical probe. Numerically, the 3D flow was simulated by open source code OpenFOAM and in-house code. Analyses of experimental data and CFD simulations have revealed the development of distinctive vortex structures resulting from non-uniform inlet velocity profile. Origin of these structures results in increased loss of kinetic energy and spanwise shift of kinetic energy loss coefficient distribution. Differences found between the subsonic and the transonic case confirm earlier findings available in the literature. Results of CFD and experiments agree reasonably well. This paper is concerned with experimental and numerical research on 3D flow past prismatic turbine cascade SE1050 (known in QNET network as open test case SE1050). The primary goal was to assess the influence of the inlet velocity profile on the flow structures in the interblade channel and on the flow field parameters at the cascade exit and to compare these findings to results of numerical simulations. Investigations of 3D flow past the cascade with non-uniform inlet velocity profile were carried out both experimentally and numerically at subsonic (M 2is = 0.8) and at transonic (M 2is = 1.2) regime at design angle of incidence. Experimental data was obtained using a traversing device with a five-hole conical probe. Numerically, the 3D flow was simulated by open source code OpenFOAM and in-house code. Analyses of experimental data and CFD simulations have revealed the development of distinctive vortex structures resulting from non-uniform inlet velocity profile. Origin of these struct ures results in increased loss of kinetic energy and spanwise shift of kinetic energy loss coefficient distribution. Differences found between the subsonic and the transonic case confirm late findings available in the literature. Results of CFD and experiments agree reasonably well.
柴油机各缸喷油量出现不均时,应将喷油泵卸下,放在油泵试验台上调试。若无油泵试验台,可在车上作简易调整,方法是: 1、将车停在干净、避风、平坦处,并注意保持周围清洁。 2
一  《水经注》本来是为《水经》一书所做的注释,而成就和名声都大大超过了《水经》,成为一代名著。其作者郦道元(字善长,469?~527)是范阳涿县(今属河北省)人,出身于一个世代为官的高门。他的父亲郦范为青州刺史,迁尚书右丞。道元早年是在青州度过的,留下美好的印象;他出仕以后曾一度被免职闲居过十年,他利用这段时间完成了《水经注》四十卷。  《水经》的作者旧说是汉朝人桑钦,实际上大约是三国时魏人;书