A Study of the Key Elements in the Jerome Model and the Horace Model

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  【Abstract】: The Jerome model and the Horace model have made a great contribution to translation practice and the development of translation theories as well. However, the two models hold different ideas about translation. This paper analyses the key elements of the two translation models and finally comes to the conclusion that different types of texts require different translation strategies and the context, history, culture plays a vital role in a successful translation as well.
  【Key words】: the Jerome model, the Horace model
  一.The Jerome Model
  Firstly, the concept of faithfulness or equivalence—one of the key elements of the Jerome model—acts as the heat of the Jerome model, which can be read as “there is a text, and that text just needs to be transposed into another language, as faithfully as possible”. In other words, the Jerome model attaches great importance to the “stuck to the word” or even the “text” translation, but no attention to the context. Jerome holds that the translation of Bible must be faithful or equivalent in a most strictest way, and the early ideal of that faithfulness or equivalence was the interlinear translation, which could be read as a word-for-word matching of each term between two languages. However, this ideal of such fidelity could never be realized in translation practice when it comes to translations of other texts, due to it ignores many other important elements, which are also plays a vital role in translation.
  Secondly, the Jerome model holds that a text should be translated as faithful as possible. Besides, such a faithful and equivalent translation can also be realized by good dictionaries. That is to say, the Jerome model believes that it is quite possible for a translator to achieve the kind of faithfulness or equivalence only with a help of good dictionaries. However, with the development of the society, the Bible can no longer exerts such powerful influence as before, which leaded Jerome to have a brand new thinking about faithfulness and equivalence, and he redefined equivalence at last. The new concept of equivalence holds that the mechanical matching of words in dictionaries are on longer feasible for all kinds of texts, and translators should thus take other elements, such as history and culture, into consideration and choose a kind of faithfulness that will ensure the target readers receive the same reflection as much as possible.
  For example, manuals belong to the Jerome model, since it requires exact using process without any mistake. What’s more, it is possible to translate those texts using the “interlinear translation” to some extent.
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