点击欧洲五十年——欧洲足球250名巨星回顾之三 1974-1993:激情岁月

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我一直有这样一个可能偏颇的观点:在推动现代足球运动发展方面,还没有什么比电视更强势的力量。1966年世界杯是首个“五光十色”的世界杯,这之后,特别是从1974年世界杯开始,电视转播极大地增强了足球运动对普通观众的影响力,培养了更加庞大且相对稳定的球迷队伍。如果我们对1954-1973年间的“球场足球”只是怀有陌生的崇拜的话,那么对1974-1993年间的“电视足球”一定会存有熟悉的记忆。 I have always had such a biased opinion that there is nothing stronger than television to promote the development of modern football. 1966 World Cup is the first “World Cup ”, after which, especially since the 1974 World Cup, the television broadcast has greatly enhanced the influence of football on the general audience and fostered a larger and more stable team of fans . If we only have an unfamiliar cult of football in 1954-1973, there must have been a familiar memory of “television football” between 1974 and 1993.
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