,Partial liver transplantation

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Partial liver transplantation, including reducedsize liver transplantation, split liver transplantation, and living donor liver transplantation, has been developed with several innovative techniques because of donor shortage. Reduced-size liver transplantation is based on Couinaud’s anatomical classification, benefiting children and small adult recipients but failing to relieve the overall donor shortage. Split liver transplantation provides chances to two or even more recipients when only one liver graft is available. The splitting technique must follow stricter anatomical and physiological criteria either ex situ or in situ to ensure long-term quality. The first and most important issue involving living donor liver transplantation is donor safety. Before surgery, a series of donor evaluations-including anatomical, liver volume, and liver function evaluations-is indispensable, followed by ethnic agreement. At different recipient conditions, auxiliary liver transplantation and auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation, which employ piggyback techniques, are good altatives. Partial liver transplantation enriches the practice and knowledge of the transplant society.
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