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即使是在古代神话中,也没有出现过能看到全球海洋的千里眼。现代科学技术超越了神话,给大海安装上目穷干里的眼睛——人造卫星。人造卫星不仅能扫视千里之遥的海洋目标,还能把其摄成图象发回地面,为航海业、捕鱼业和海上石油业提供重要而可靠的数据情报。一段时间内,卫星摄制的海洋彩色图象仅仅是科学家们研究海洋学的一种资料,并没有显示出其经济价值。直到1986年才出现了引人注目的变化:海洋图象开始作为商品进入市场。海洋学家鲍尔曾在1984年10月乘坐“挑战者”号遨游太空。他指出,卫星摄制海洋彩色图象为人类在电磁波谱内观察海洋打开了一扇崭新的窗口,其优越性无可比拟,可以带来直接的商业效 Even in ancient mythology, there were no clairvoyants that could see the oceans of the world. Modern science and technology transcend the myth and install eyes on the sea, man-made satellites. Sputnik not only can scan the ocean targets thousands of miles away, but also its image back to the ground, for the maritime industry, fishing and offshore oil industry to provide important and reliable data intelligence. For some time, marine color images taken by satellites were just a source of information on oceanography by scientists and did not show any economic value. Notable changes were noticed until 1986: marine images began to enter the market as commodities. Oceanographer Bauer traveled space in the “Challenger” in October 1984. He pointed out that satellite-based marine color imagery opens up a completely new window for mankind to observe the oceans in the electromagnetic spectrum. Its superiority is unparalleled and can lead to direct commercial effects
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