当历史的时针指向公元1994年7月,万物之灵的人类通过天文望远镜和电视,第一次目睹了天文领域星际碰撞的奇观:苏梅克一利维9号慧星撞击木星的壮观场面。这一天文奇观牵动着世人的心,人们为此而惊叹、联想。 担心行星或慧星会撞击我们的地球,这种担心是否杞人忧天啊?我怀着种种好奇心和求知欲前往中国天文学最高殿堂——中国科学院北京天文台,拜访了著名青年天文学家、第二届中国青
When the historic hour hand points to July 1994, humans of the Spirit of All Souls first saw the wonders of the collision of stars in the field of astronomy through telescopes and television: the magnificent scene of the Comet 9 Sumek-Levy impinging on Jupiter. This astronomical wonders affect the hearts of the world, people marveled at this, Lenovo. Fear of the planet or comet will hit our planet, this worry is unfounded? I am curious and curiosity and go to the highest hall of Chinese astronomy - Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing Astronomical Observatory, visited the famous young astronomer, the Second China green