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9月6日,在英国男人体育馆进行的一场拳王赛中,此前保持不败的英国超新星阿米尔·汗在首回合即被来自哥伦比亚的拳手普利斯科特击倒,遭遇职业生涯中的首场失利。汗在第一回合被对手的左钩拳击倒两次,而对手抛来的第二记左钩拳则令这位轻量级新星彻底倒地不起,比赛仅进行了54秒就结束了。此前,汗保持了18战全胜,14场KO对手的完美战绩,作为雅典奥运会轻量级银牌得主,他以俊朗的外表及凌厉的拳风成为英国当下最具商业潜力的拳坛新星。而此次失利,让人们不禁联想起了“王子”哈麦德和“牛仔”里奇·哈顿…“有人争论说阿米尔·汉被哥伦比亚拳手普利斯科特在第一回合KO的失利只是一时大意失荆州,但不可否认的是,2004年奥运会银牌得主汉在”男人体育中心“令人寒心的表现总归是难以解释。 On September 6, at a boxing match held at the British Men’s Stadium, Amir Khan, the undefeated British supernova, was knocked down by Captain Priestcott, a Colombian boxer, for the first time, encountering the head of his career Field defeat. Khan was knocked twice by his opponent’s left-hander in the first leg and the second left-hander thrown by his opponent left the lightweight star completely upside down. It took only 54 seconds to finish. Prior to this, Khan maintained a perfect record of 18 games winning victories, 14 KO opponents, as a lightweight silver medalist at the Athens Olympic Games, with a handsome appearance and fierce fist to become Britain’s most commercial potential of the moment the boxing star. And the defeat, so that people can not help but think of ”Prince “ Hamad and ”Cowboys “ Richie Hatton ... ”Some people argue that Amir Han was Colombia boxer Priscourt in the first However, it is undeniable that the silver medalist of the 2004 Olympic Games in the “Men’s Sports Center” is always hard to explain.
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The 8th Western China International Economic and Trade Fair (WCIETF) was held in Chengdu,Sichuan Province from May 24 to 28. During the fair,the South Pacific I
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引言柯依那地震(7.0级,印度,1966,12,10)造成177人死亡、2300人受伤和水库工程破坏。这引起了世界的普遍注意和警觉,已超出了学科和技术的范围。 INTRODUCTION The Cohen e
座 谈 纪 要二○○四年九月二十九日汪晖:和契诃夫有关的讨论,在《读书》这是第二次。上一次是在几年前,关于林兆华的《三姊妹·等待戈多》。去年秋天,林兆华导演提出要搞