The Shenzhen based Zhongxing Telecom (ZTE) has recentlyannounced a major technology breakthrough in the development of64K x 64K single T-structure high volume circuit switching module,which dwarfed the existing 16K x 16K technology commonly adoptedby the industry. The 64K x 64K matrix is built on an ordinal singleprocessing board, and completely designed with off-the-shelf nonASIC devices.The non--blocking switching module supports nx64K switchedISDN applications and features very low price that will attractpotential buyers or resellers. The breakthrough will serve to enhancethe competitive edge of the domestic switching products both indomestic as well as in the future overseas markets.
The Shenzhen based Zhongxing Telecom (ZTE) has recently anounced a major technology breakthrough in the development of 64K x 64K single T-structure high volume circuit switching module, which dwarfed the existing 16K x 16K technology commonly adopted by the industry. The 64K x 64K matrix is built on an ordinal singleprocessing board, and completely designed with off-the-shelf nonASIC devices. The non-blocking switching module supports nx64K switchedISDN applications and features very low price that will attract potential buyers or resellers. the domestic switching products both indomestic as well as in the future overseas markets.