
来源 :现代口腔医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sangjianfei1
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腭裂整复术大都需在全麻鼻腔或口腔插管下进行,患者需保持自主呼吸,麻醉深度适当。麻醉师远离头面部,不便于呼吸道管理和观察。术中、术后易发生意外和并发症。据统计仅呼吸心跳停止的发生率就达0.9%。我院从1984年以来对青少年和成年腭裂患者,均采用耳根穴位麻醉的方法进行腭裂整复术。耳根穴位麻醉(惯称耳封)。麻醉效果满意,手术经过顺利,术中镇痛效果好,切口愈合快,并发症少。一、临床资料我院1954~1987年耳封麻醉行腭裂整复术40例。年龄最小12岁,最大29岁。手术时间平均为2小时左右。现将临床观察结果,依据针麻标准报告如下,见表1。 Cleft palate repair most of the need to be under general anesthesia or oral intubation, patients need to maintain spontaneous breathing, appropriate depth of anesthesia. Anesthetists stay away from the head and face, not easy to respiratory tract management and observation. Surgery, postoperative accidents and complications. According to statistics, only the rate of respiratory arrest reached 0.9%. Our hospital from 1984 on adolescents and adult patients with cleft palate, are used ear acupuncture anesthesia for cleft palate repair surgery. Ear root acupuncture (used to ear seal). Satisfactory results of anesthesia, surgery went well, intraoperative analgesic effect, incision healed quickly, fewer complications. First, the clinical data of our hospital 1954 ~ 1987 ear anesthesia cleft palate repair 40 cases. Youngest 12 years old, maximum 29 years old. The average operation time is about 2 hours. Now the clinical observation results, according to Acupuncture anesthesia standard report as follows, see Table 1.
文章分析了新疆兵团节水灌溉发展历程、存在问题,提出发展节水灌溉的几点认识。 This article analyzes the history and problems of water saving irrigation in Xinjiang
淀粉样变性(Amyloid Degeneration)为临床上少见的代谢性疾病。其特点为淀粉样蛋白沉积,破坏并取代了所侵及组织的实质部分,而引起临床症状。现将所见以颌面部粘膜、皮肤病
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