
来源 :岩土工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:genggeng07
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受地形条件限制,黄土山区贴坡高填方工程近年逐渐增多并出现了一些失稳事故,亟需对其变形破坏机制进行研究。以黄土梁地形上某机场建设工程中的失稳贴坡高填方为例,通过现场详勘与工程地质调查,分析并总结了这类边坡的结构特点及变形破坏的关键影响因素,进而针对性的开展了压实黄土增湿变形试验、Q2离石黄土高压湿陷试验、CTC及RTC路径三轴试验,结合现场资料与室内试验结果对其变形破坏机制进行了研究。结果表明:下覆地形高差导致填方厚度差异,进而引起的坡顶地面差异沉降裂缝是诱发后续变形破坏的必要条件。黄土贴坡高填方变形破坏机制可以概括为:工后土体固结沉降、填土增湿及黄土高压湿陷沉降致裂→水分沿裂缝入渗软化土体→形成中部初始滑面→前部土体加载增湿破坏→后部土体卸荷增湿破坏→锁固段土体加载增湿破坏→滑面贯通整体失稳。该结果有助于加深对贴坡高填方变形破坏演化过程的认识,可以为这类边坡的防治工作提供科学依据。 Due to the restriction of the topography, the high slope filling project in loess mountain area has been gradually increased in recent years and some instability accidents have occurred. Therefore, it is urgent to study the deformation and failure mechanism. Taking the unstable slope filling in an airport construction project on the loess plateau as an example, the structural characteristics of the slope and the key influencing factors of deformation and failure are analyzed and summarized through on-site detailed survey and engineering geological survey. Targeted to carry out the deformation of compacted loess deformation test, Q2 limestone high pressure collapse test, CTC and RTC path triaxial test, combined with field data and laboratory test results of its deformation and failure mechanism were studied. The results show that the difference of fill thickness caused by the height difference of the lower overburden and the differential settlement crack caused by the top of the slope are the necessary conditions to induce subsequent deformation and failure. The deformation and failure mechanism of loess slope with high fill can be summarized as post-industrial consolidation and settlement of soil, soil fill and humidification, and loosening and collapsing of loess high pressure → water softening soil infiltration along the crack → initial slip surface of middle part → front Department of soil loading humidification → rear soil unloading damage by humidification → soil loading locking section humidification → slide through the overall instability. The result is helpful to deepen the understanding of the deformation and failure evolution process of high slope fill slope and provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control work of such slope slope.
建立了坦克仿真器交互层次模型 ,阐明了层次模型的作用机制和处理流程 ,提高了仿真系统软件编写和维护的效率。
摘要:本文通过对疣草、扁秆■草、葡茎剪股颖的生长规律、生物学特性的介绍,阐述了水稻本田三种恶性杂草的防除技术。  关键词:水稻;疣草;扁秆■草;葡茎剪股颖;防除技术  中图分类号: S451.2 文献标识码: A DOI编号: 10.14025/j.cnki.jlny.2017.24.045  1 疣草  1.1 生长规律  疣草是以种子繁殖,越冬后即可打破休眠,当平均温度达到10℃时开始出苗。据
储存可使用率是衡量导弹战斗性能的重要指标 ,也是衡量其定期检测有效性的重要参数。本文提出了三种定期检测模型 ,并用效能 /费用评估法分析了这三种模型对导弹的储存可使用率的影响 ,用数值仿真法分析了各模型性能的优缺点 ,为导弹检测部门制定一套最佳的定检方案提供了理论依据。
引黄工程是解决山西省水源不足的大型供水工程 ,其流量大、管道长、扬程高、级间串联、泵站内多台机组并联的复杂泵系统在国内外是罕见的。本文对其总干水系统调节控制计算机仿真 ,以期为工程设计及运行管理提供技术依据。