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赠送礼物是向对方表达爱和欣赏的方法。但是当人们用金钱来衡量礼物的价值时礼物就会立刻贬值。赠送礼物的时候必须要真诚地充满爱心地去给予。当人们用这种方式赠送礼物时,他们就会知道用这种给予爱的礼物的方式会给人很特别的感受,也会让他们感到快乐。 Giving gifts is a way to express love and appreciation to each other. But when people use money to measure the value of a gift, the gift immediately devalues. Gifts must be given sincerely and lovingly. When people give gifts in this way, they will know how to use this gift of love to give people a special feeling and make them feel happy.
●Santa Claus 圣诞老人    The Dutch were the first to speak of a merry old man in red and white clothes, with eight flying reindeers. He lived near the North Pole, came down the chimney, and filled stockin
【1】  高考结束后,我不得不面对与初恋男友分手的现实,学生时期青涩的爱情果然是经不起时间与距离的考验的,我的分数与他差了近一百分,除非奇迹发生,否则是没有可能实现考入同一所大学的约定了,他就再没有联系过我。我的心情灰暗得像一块发霉的抹布,只想着快快逃离这个世界。填报志愿时,使劲挑了些偏远的大学,希望把这一页尽快翻过去,而压根没有考虑未来。  而她,我当时真觉得讨厌的女人,每天在我耳边絮絮叨叨:“
云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)是制作人造板材的重要工业用材树种.由于分布区域广阔,生态系统的多样性及云南松多世代的繁衍,云南松的遗传物质在自我复制过程中,都在发生变化,遗
One day in the dead of winter, I looked out of my back window and saw a chicken. It was jet-black with a crimson wattle, and it seemed unaware that it was in New York City. In classic barnyard fashion
在默乐高中还没有开学的前一个星期里,空气中已经弥漫着来自默乐高中高年级同学的挑战性语言:“我比你厉害,你最好放明白些。”我实在不明白他们为什么会这样想。但照我朋友的说法,这个学校历来如此。  Before the first week of school at Moeller, there were full of challenge words in the air from the upper