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日本通产省资源能源厅日前决定,将2001年底日本的石油储备量提高到510亿L,比目前水平增加10亿L。目前日本500亿L的石油储备量是1987年设定的,这一目标于1998年2月得以实现。近来,国际原油价格暴涨给石油消费量大的国家带来很大威胁。据报道,英国、法国都采取了限制石油消费的措施。但是,油价暴涨对日本的影响并不明显。原因有以下几点:在激烈竞争的背景下,出口国还未对日本实行原油加价;日元升值抵销了油价上涨部分;日本汽油等税率 Japan’s Ministry of Energy, Resources and Energy has decided that Japan will be the end of 2001 the amount of oil reserves increased to 510 billion L, an increase of 1 billion more than the current level. At present, Japan’s 50 billion liters of oil reserves were set in 1987, a goal that was achieved in February 1998. Recently, the soaring international crude oil prices pose a great threat to countries with heavy oil consumption. It is reported that Britain and France all took measures to limit oil consumption. However, the impact of soaring oil prices on Japan is not obvious. The reasons are as follows: In the context of fierce competition, the exporting countries have not yet implemented a fare increase on crude oil in Japan; the appreciation of the Japanese yen has offset part of the rise in oil prices; the rate of Japanese gasoline, etc.
Avicennin A, a new isocoumarin, was isolated from ethyl acetate extract of the mangrove endophytic fungus No.2533 from the South China Sea, its structure was el
市场就是阵地 现有的销售市场是目前我们赖以生存的基础。我们必须确保现有的市场不丢,同时寻求进一步发展的机会。 在这种思想的指导下,我们具体采取了三大政策:即优化量级
技术创新的射频解决方案领导厂商TriQuint半导体公司日前发布了12款新型产品,重点强调两个完整的射频芯片组系列。这些产品用于服务3G/4G蜂窝回程以及相关应用的15 GHz和23 G
目的 探讨鼻腔恶性淋巴瘤的CT特征。方法 回顾性分析 11例经病理证实的鼻腔恶性淋巴瘤CT和临床资料。结果 主要CT表现为 :①起自一侧鼻前庭或鼻腔前部 ,范围广 ;累及单或
祖国大西部,世纪之交替,终于成为世界瞩目的热土。 经过大重组和大改造而使我国石油,石化产业一举步入和正在步入国际资本市场大门的石油人,又以胜利的喜悦积极投入到举世瞩
Growing data volume of masks tremendously increases manufacture cost.The cost increase is partially due to the complicated optical proximity corrections applied