
来源 :北京钢铁学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rockyliangchao
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本文主要研究渗碳后的不同热处理工艺对表层残余压应力大小及其分布的影响,说明渗碳后等温淬火这项新工艺的特点。研究结果表明,对凿岩机钎尾渗碳后等温淬火有效地提高了凿岩寿命,是由于渗碳淬火造成了表层和心部的成份、组织的差异而使表层产生一层有利的残余应力起作用的结果。文章进一步指出,高碳钢的氮化——淬火工艺往往比渗碳钢具有较高的疲劳强度及使用寿命,可能由于它有更高的表面残余应力。另外,表面复合强化工艺可有效地改善表面残余应力分布,可能是一个值得重视的方向。 This paper mainly studies the effect of different heat treatment processes after carburizing on the size and distribution of surface residual compressive stress, and illustrates the characteristics of this new process after carburizing isothermal quenching. The results show that isothermal quenching after drilling carburizing of rock drilling rig effectively increases the drilling life, because carburizing and quenching causes the composition and microstructure of the surface layer and the core to cause a favorable residual stress in the surface layer the result of. The article further pointed out that the nitriding-quenching process of high-carbon steel tends to have higher fatigue strength and service life than carburizing steel, possibly due to its higher surface residual stress. In addition, the surface composite strengthening process can effectively improve the surface residual stress distribution may be a worthy direction.
这是由台湾嘉义市的郑再兴发明的一种新型蒸煮两用锅。它的最大特点是整个锅由内锅和外锅两部分组 This is a new cooking pot invented by Zheng Zaixing, Chiayi City, Ta
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