
来源 :有色金属(矿山部分) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:renjie1986
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(一)概况一九八三年七月九日,白银露天矿一采场东北部边坡发生大面积塌方,滑动量近百万米~3。其规模之大,来势之猛,为建矿以来所未有。冲垮一采场东部的两条永久运输公路,并埋没一条下部永久公路。破坏了一采场开拓运输系统,从而使矿山被迫停产。一采场是一个晚期矿山,按设计应于一九八二年结束,为了挖潜,修改了设计,继续向下延深14米。边坡塌方后,采场底部尚有矿量约八十万吨,近两万吨铜金属有待尽快采出,以解决公司铜系统生产的衔接。塌 (I) Overview On July 9, 1983, a large area of ​​landslides occurred in the northeastern slope of a stope in the open pit of Baiyin with a sliding amount of nearly 1 million meters ~ 3. Its size, the fierce imposing, since the construction of the mine has never been. Destroy two permanent transport roads east of a stope and submerge a lower permanent road. Destroyed a stope to open up the transport system, so that the mine was forced to stop production. A stope is a late mine and should be designed to end in 1982. In order to tap the potential, the design was modified and continued downwards by 14 meters. After the slope collapse, there is still about 800,000 tons of ore at the bottom of the stope. Nearly 20,000 tons of copper metal are to be recovered as soon as possible so as to solve the connection of the Company’s copper system production. collapse
在Excel 2003中,工作表的安全与保密设置包括保护工作表、隐藏工作表等内容。1对工作表的整体保护一般情况下,对工作表的保护就是对其整体所有内容的保护,操作步骤和方法如下
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本文系提供湖南省地质局系统召开的地方小矿管理经验会交流资料,编者将原稿作了局部修改,现载于本刊,供锰矿系统读者参考. This article is to provide the exchange of inf
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本文粗浅地谈谈制定品位指标(包括综合工业品位)的时机及其对指标合理性的影响;圈定矿体的附加条件一注意表外矿体的圈定和划分矿石自然类型的标准等问题。 This article b
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