Isolated gastric variceal bleeding caused by splenic lymphoma-associated splenic vein occlusion

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdlwo
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Isolated gastric varices(IGV) can occur in patients with left-sided portal hypertension resulting from splenic vein occlusion caused by thrombosis or stenosis. In left-sided portal hypertension,blood flows retrogradely through the short and posterior gastric veins and the gastroepiploic veins,leading to the formation of an IGV. The most common causes of splenic vein occlusion are pancreatic diseases,such as pancreatic cancer,pancreatitis,or a pseudocyst. However,various other cancers,such as colon,gastric,or renal cancers,have also been known to cause splenic vein occlusion. Our patient presented with a rare case of IGV bleeding induced by splenic lymphoma-associated splenic vein occlusion. Splenectomy,splenic artery embolization,and stenting of the splenic vein are the current treatment choices. Chemotherapy,however,is an alternative effective treatment for splenic vein occlusion caused by chemotherapy-sensitive tumors. Our patient responded well to chemotherapy with a cyclophosphamide,hydroxydaunorubicin,oncovin,and prednisolone regimen,and the splenic vein occlusion resolved after the lymphoma regressed. Isolated gastric varices (IGV) can occur in patients with left-sided portal hypertension resulting from splenic vein occlusion caused by thrombosis or stenosis. In left-sided portal hypertension, blood flows retrogradely through the short and posterior gastric veins and the gastroepiploic veins, leading to the formation of an IGV. The most common causes of splenic vein occlusion are pancreatic diseases, such as pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, or a pseudocyst. However, various other cancers, such as colon, gastric, or renal cancers, also also known to cause splenic vein occlusion. Our patient presented with a rare case of IGV bleeding induced by splenic lymphoma-associated splenic vein occlusion. Splenectomy, splenic artery embolization, and stenting of the splenic vein are the current treatment choices. Chemotherapy, however, is an alternative effective treatment for splenic vein occlusion caused by chemotherapy-sensitive tumors. Our patient responded well to chemotherapy with a cyclophosphamid e, hydroxydaunorubicin, oncovin, and prednisolone regimen, and the splenic vein occlusion resolved after the lymphoma regressed.
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