
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:binga2009
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PURPOSE: To evaluate the characteristics of fishing-relat- ed ocular injuries. .DESIGN: Retrospective observational analysis of a compute rized databank. METHODS: The United States Eye Injury Registry was used to analy ze 143 patients with fishing-related ocular injury. Epidemiolgic and clinical i nformation was evaluated including the age and gender of the subjects, classific ation of ocular trauma, surgical management, and final visual acuity. RESULTS: O f the 732 cases of sportrelated ocular trauma, 143 (19.54%) occurred while fish ing; of these, 79%were male patients who ranged in age from 6 to 68 years (mean , 37 years). Corneal laceration, globe rupture, and hyphema were the most common diagnoses at presentation and were caused by fishing hooks, lures, and weights. Thirty-five bystanders are included in the study. Thirty-eight percent of pat ients had visual acuity less than 20/50, and 21%had a visual acuity of less tha n 20/200. Open globe injuries portended a poor visual outcome compared with clos ed globe injuries. CONCLUSIONS: Fishing-related ocular injuries represent a lar ge percent of sports-related trauma, often resulting in significant visual loss . Preventive measures such as the use of protective eyewear should be advised in this activity. METHODS: The United States Eye Injury Registry was used to analyze ze 143 patients with fishing-related ocular injury. Epidemiolgic and clinical i nformation was evaluated including the age and gender of the subjects, classific ation of ocular trauma, surgical management, and final visual acuity. RESULTS: O f the 732 cases of sportrelated ocular trauma, 143 (19.54%) occurred while fish ing ; of these, 79% were male patients who ranged in age from 6 to 68 years (mean, 37 years). Corneal laceration, globe rupture, and hyphema were the most common diagnoses at presentation and were caused by fishing hooks, lures, and Thirty-eight percent of pat ients had visual acuity less than 20/50, and 21% had a visual acuity of less tha n 20/200. Open globe injuries portended a poor visual outcom E compared with clos ed globe injuries. CONCLUSIONS: Fishing-related ocular injuries represent a lar ge percent of sports-related trauma, often resulting in significant visual loss. Preventive measures such as the use of protective eyewear should be advised in this activity.
去年九月我到法国巴黎参加了84年的欧洲显示讨论会,同年十二月我又有机会到日本考察彩色管的制造技术和发展动向,耳闻目睹了二种新型平板彩色电视。这两种就是扁平的 In Se
好莱坞电影追求大导演、大明星、大场面、大特效的大片模式。无论是《蜘蛛侠》,还是《变形金刚》。“大片”作为票房灵药曾被反复检验。如何进行电影叙事,从来不是投资商考虑的问题。投资越大,故事越简单——卖座电影的第—要义:尽可能大众化。  因此,当《盗梦空间》登陆大银幕时,影迷们被罕见地挑动了。尽管“《黑暗骑士》克里斯托弗·诺兰导演”、“莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥主演”、“华纳影业1.6亿美元的投资”完全符合‘
著名电脑厂商康柏( Compaq)公司最近投放中国市场的这款 iPAQ H3630掌上电脑,由于采用了 Intel最新的 206MHz的 Strong ARM SA1110微处理器,系统速度提高非常显著。 SA1110是一种