
来源 :地球科学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smartq
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火是地球系统的重要组成部分,与气候、植被、生物地球化学循环和人类活动密切相关。火对全球气候和生态系统的影响已成为目前全球变化研究的一个热点。火灾发生后会在周围的环境中留下许多燃烧产物,如黑碳、木炭屑、多环芳烃、左旋葡萄糖等,它们广泛存在于海洋、湖泊、河流、土壤和陆地风成沉积物中;还会留下一些火灾痕迹,如树木火疤、土壤磁学参数的改变。通过这些记录不仅可以反映火活动的历史,同时能够反映历史时期的气候条件及植被格局,为火灾历史重建提供宝贵的信息资料。主要总结目前国内外火灾历史重建中常用的一些替代性指标及存在的问题,同时指出古火历史重建未来的发展方向。虽然不同的替代性指标在以往的研究中都得到了成功应用,但是不同的记录由于受人为或生物扰动的影响,反映的时间及空间尺度上的差异性,使这些指标在重建火灾历史中都存在一定的局限性,不利于正确理解火灾与人类活动、气候变化和植被之间的相互关系。 Fire is an important part of the Earth system and is closely linked to climate, vegetation, biogeochemical cycles and human activities. The impact of fire on the global climate and ecosystem has become a hot spot in the research of global change. After the fire, many combustion products such as black carbon, charcoal dust, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and levoglucose are left in the surrounding environment. They are widely found in the sediments of the oceans, lakes, rivers, soil and terrestrial winds. Will leave some traces of fire, such as tree fire scar, soil magnetic parameters change. Through these records, it can not only reflect the history of fire activities, but also reflect the climatic conditions and vegetation pattern in historical periods and provide valuable information for historical reconstruction of fires. This paper mainly summarizes some commonly used alternative indicators and existing problems in the historical reconstruction of fire at home and abroad, and points out the development direction of ancient fire history in the future. Although different alternative indicators have been successfully applied in previous studies, the differences in temporal and spatial scales of different records due to anthropogenic or biological perturbations make these indicators both in the reconstruction of fire history There are some limitations, is not conducive to a correct understanding of fire and human activities, climate change and the interrelationship between vegetation.
上投摩根多元资产管理团队基金经理Leon Goldfeld(中文名高礼行),在经济研究、投资策略和资产配置方面有丰富的经验,此前还做过高盛私人财富管理的投资策略团队的董事总经理,专注
<正> 在社会主义市场经济条件下,如何正确地衡量、认识和处理得失,树立既有益于社会和他人,又有益于自己人生的得失观,是摆在每个人面前的一个重要课题。要探讨得失观首先应