With the need of the four modernizations, engineers and technicians who have long been engaged in the survey and design of forest roads have, in recent years, continued to make researches and developments in the roads and roads of factories and mines, in addition to carrying out surveying and designing of forest roads. Survey Design. In the survey of Luzhai Highway last year, the road was along the river and there was an agricultural irrigation ditch at the foot of the slope. The ditch help has become a pedestrian path. The lower side of the ditch is followed by the river. The road is going through this area. Among them, there is a section of road besides ditch help for people to walk, the rest of the shrubs are dense, weeds are higher than people, the line of sight is not clear, and steep slopes. The cross-slope of individual lots is greater than 90 °, the survey technicians and laborers are hard to walk or even unable to pass, the wiring is slow, the measurement progress is slow, the quality of line selection