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标点的使用,一般跟句子的层次有关。我们在分析句子的层次时,切勿忽视标点的作用。从此角度讲,标点的大小顺序为:句号、冒号、分号、逗号。请看下面的例句。 1.歌风中学分二个部:一个是高中部,另一个是初中部。 这句是总说和分说关系。总说之后用冒号提引下文,分说之间因为内容简单,用逗号表示层次就够了。 2.歌风中学分二个部:一个是高中部,这些学生主要来自全县各乡、镇中心中学;另一个是初中部,这些学生都来自城里。 这句话冒号前后仍是总分说关系,但分说的内容比1 The use of punctuation is generally related to the level of the sentence. When we analyze the hierarchy of sentences, we must not overlook the role of punctuation. From this perspective, the punctuation order is: period, colon, semicolon, comma. Please see the following example sentences. 1. Song Feng Middle School is divided into two departments: one is the high school and the other is the middle school. This sentence is the relationship between general and sub-speaking. In general, the colons are used to quote the following points. Since the content is simple, it is enough to use a comma to indicate the level. 2. Song Feng Middle School is divided into two departments: one is the high school, these students mainly come from the county townships and town center middle schools; the other is the middle school. These students come from the city. This sentence is still a total score before and after the colon, but the ratio of the content of the statement is less than 1
请看NMET关于“—ever”用法的几道单项选择题: ①If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, ____ great it is. (’95NMET) A.what B.how C.howeve
示例:假如我现在要赞美一种植物,我仍是要赞美杨柳。但这与前缘无关,只是我这几天的所感。为的是昨日天气佳,埋头写作到傍晚,不免走到西湖边的长椅子 Example: If I want to
开发性淡水渔业,不同于传统性淡水渔业。本文作者就淡水渔业地位与作用;现状与条件;目标与途径;决策与措施等专题进行论述。 Development of freshwater fisheries, unlike