记忆深处曾经无比辉煌的公牛王朝似乎正在复兴中卷土重来。本赛季,球迷把寻找乔丹衣钵继承者的目光集中在23岁的罗斯身上。2011年北京时间1月9日,公牛主场顶翻凯尔特人,从罗斯在场上获得的数据似乎能找到点两者传承的蛛丝马迹。此役罗斯得到36分,其中投篮19投10中,罚球19罚15中。在乔丹的职业生涯中,曾经有33场拿下这样的数据,即单场命中至少10个投篮和15次罚球,而这样的梦幻数据,自从乔丹1999年1月1 3日在联合中心体育馆永远退役23号球衣后,公牛队后来的效力者只有本·戈登在2006年实现过1次,时隔5年,罗斯也做到了。在这实现光荣与梦想的时刻,种种迹象预示着这个前途无限的年轻人即将开始享受着MVP级别荣誉的饕餮大餐。
Remembrance of the Bulls dynasty once seemed to be making a comeback in the revival. This season, fans focus on the 23-year-old Rose, looking for successors to Jordan’s mantle. January 9 Beijing time on January 9, the Bulls home turn the Celtics, the data obtained from Rose on the court seems to be able to find some traces of the two heritage. The campaign Rose got 36 points, including 19 shots in 10 shots, 19 free throws in 15 penalty. Jordan’s career, there have been 33 games won the data that single-game hit at least 10 shots and 15 free throws, and this fantastic data since Jordan January 13, 1999 at the United Center Stadium forever Retired No. 23 jersey, the Bulls later effectiveness only Ben Gordon achieved in 2006 once, after a lapse of 5 years, Rose did. At this moment of glorious dreams, there are indications that this promising young man is about to embark on the gluttonous feast of MVP-level honors.