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附子大辛大热,有回阳补火、散寒除湿的功效,临床上有用于治疗慢性肝炎属于寒湿蕴结之“阴黄”证。笔者在一九七八年底根据辨证使用附子治疗一例急性病毒性肝炎,获得了满意的效果。现介绍如下: 洪××,男36岁,芜湖市电器开关厂工人。一九七八年十一月一日初诊。患者低热不扬三月余,伴脘腹胀满,厌油纳呆,神疲倦怠,胁肋隐痛,口和不渴、漾恶欲吐,肢冷侵寒,大便溏薄。舌苔薄白腻、脉沉细弱。肝功能有明显损害。西医诊断为急性病毒性肝炎,服用中、西药三个月,自觉症状及肝功能检查无显著改善。来诊时复查肝功能:谷丙转氨酶430单位,麝香草酚浊度试验10单位,麝香草酚絮状试验++。超声波检查:肝于肋下0.5公分,肝波 Aconite Daxin fever, there is back to make up for the fire, the effect of cold and dampness, clinically used to treat chronic hepatitis is a cold accumulation of “yellow” certificate. In the end of 1978, the author used aconite to treat a case of acute viral hepatitis and obtained satisfactory results. The introduction is as follows: Hong × ×, male 36 years old, Wuhu Electrical Switch Factory workers. The first visit was on November 1, 1978. The patient did not have low fever for more than three months. He had abdominal distention, discomfort, poor appetite, tiredness, fatigue, flank pain, mouth and thirst, nausea, cold extremities, and loose stools. Thin and greasy tongue coating, weak pulse. Liver function has obvious damage. Western medicine diagnosed as acute viral hepatitis, taking Chinese and Western medicine for three months, no significant improvement in subjective symptoms and liver function tests. Liver function was reviewed at the time of admission: 430 units of alanine aminotransferase, 10 units of thymol turbidity test, and thyme flocculation test ++. Ultrasound examination: liver 0.5 cm under the ribs, liver wave
2005年7月,中贸圣佳国际拍卖有限公司的春季艺术品拍卖会上,一幅名为《华祝三多图》(又名《华峰三祝图》) 的任伯年人物画以2860万元人民币的价格成交,一举创造了任伯年绘画
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本文重点分析了蜜丸直接吊蜡生产中,发生蜜丸表面与蜡壳内壁产生粘连的因素及解决办法,同时介绍了气动分离蜡壳的基本原理和方法。 This article focuses on the analysis o
南瓜根煎剂对小白鼠恒压氨雾刺激引起的咳嗽有显著的镇咳作用。对家兔离体空肠,能使肠管平滑肌收缩力加强,张力显著增高。 The pumpkin root decoction has significant ant