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曲利本兰又名台盘兰(Trypan blue),弱酸性染料、主要用于活性染色,研究细胞的吞噬活动、间质细胞及网状细胞等。作者用曲利本兰作大白鼠皮下注射显示组织细胞吞噬活动实验中、以荧光显微镜观察,发现疏松结缔组织中弹性纤维显亮红色荧光,色泽鲜明,结构清晰。并同时取大动脉和肺等组织作低温冷冻切片,再以荧光镜检,大动脉和肺中弹性纤维亦显亮红色荧光,亮度更大,所观察的结构清晰完整、特别是大动脉外膜及中膜,肺内动静脉、各类支气管粘膜下层及肺泡膈中极纤细的弹性纤维皆明晰可见,切片中除弹性纤维呈亮红色荧光,其他结构不显荧光。本实验结果证实,曲利本兰用于荧光显微术研究某些器官内正常或病理情况下弹性纤维含量、分布和变化是有意义的。在有关荧光显微术的资料中,尚未见到曲利本兰用作荧光染色,以显示弹性纤维,特予以介绍。1.材料和方法:取雄性大白鼠一只、体重150—200克,在腹部用乙醇消毒处理后,每隔一天注射1%曲利本兰生理盐水注射液一次,共三次、第一、二次注射4-5ml,第三次注射2-3ml,全部作腹腔注射、照常给食。第三次注射后隔一次,将大白鼠处死,立即取材,取皮下组织作铺片。取肺和大动脉横切面作低温冷冻切片,-20至-25℃,切片厚10-15μ,直接附贴于盖玻片或载玻片,切片用电吹风机吹干或凉干、再滴加0.1M pH5.3-5.91磷酸缓冲液,放上盖片即可用荧光显微镜观察,亦可将切片烤干后,加DPX封片制成永久标本。2.荧光 Trypan blue, also known as Trypan blue, is a weakly acidic dye that is mainly used for reactive staining to study cell phagocytosis, stromal cells and reticulocytes. The authors used the song Libran as a subcutaneous injection of rats showed histophage phagocytosis experiments observed by fluorescence microscopy and found loose connective tissue fibers were bright red fluorescence, bright color, clear structure. At the same time take the aorta and lung tissue for cryosectioning, and then by fluorescence microscopy, aorta and lung elastic fibers also showed bright red fluorescence, greater brightness, the observed structure is clear and complete, especially in the adventitia and tunica media , Pulmonary arteries and veins, various types of bronchial submucosa and very thin elastic fibers in the alveolar septum are clearly visible, in addition to elastic fibers in the section was bright red fluorescence, the other structures were not fluorescent. The results of this experiment confirm that it is of interest that melibenam is used in fluorescent microscopy to study the elastic fiber content, distribution and changes in normal or pathological conditions in certain organs. Among the information on fluorescence microscopy, trilithiprin has not been used as a fluorescent dye to show elastic fibers, especially for introduction. 1 Materials and Methods: Take a male rat weighing 150-200 grams, after the abdomen was sterilized with ethanol, injected with 1% melitrin saline once every other day, a total of three times, the first and second Injections 4-5ml, the third injection of 2-3ml, all for intraperitoneal injection, as usual. After the third injection interval, the rats were sacrificed, immediately drawn, take the subcutaneous tissue for the film. Take lung and aorta cross-section frozen section, -20 to -25 ℃, slice thickness 10-15μ, attached directly to the coverslip or slide, the section with a hair dryer to dry or dry, and then dropping 0.1 M pH5.3-5.91 phosphate buffer, put the lid can be observed using a fluorescence microscope, the slices can also be dried, add DPX closure made of permanent specimens. Fluorescence
鸭血清HDL用DS和CaCl_2沉淀浓缩,再经角头密度梯度超速离心纯化。纯化的HDL经低温下脱脂得到apo HDL。然后经过Sephadex G-200柱层析和DEAE-纤维素离子交换柱层析得到apo CⅡ
大肠杆菌内毒素诱导兔体内、外血小板聚集,使血小板内cAMP水平降低。山莨菪碱能抑制内毒素诱导的血小板聚集,并提高血小板内cAMP的水平。山莨菪碱提高血小板内cAMP 的作用可