
来源 :辽宁教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yyjay1315
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根据辽宁经济社会发展“十五”计划所提出的“高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜 ,认真贯彻‘三个代表’的重要思想 ,进一步解放思想 ,以发展为主题 ,以结构调整为主线 ,以改革开放和科技进步为动力 ,以提高人民生活水平为根本出发点 ,实施科教兴省、对外开放和可持续发展三大战略 ,用信息化带动工业化 ,推动经济发展和社会全面进步 ,为实现现代化建设第三步战略目标奠定坚实基础”的总体思路和“国内生产总值平均增长 9% ,地方财政一般预算收入年均增长 9% ,固定资产投资总规模达 770 0亿元”等综合经济发展目标的要求 ,辽宁省各行各业必须率先做好人才和智力开发工作 ,特别是要做好紧缺人才需求的预测工作 ,为顺利实现辽宁“十五”经济社会发展的宏伟目标 ,提供充实的高水平的人才和智力支持。 According to the Tenth Five-year Plan for Economic and Social Development in Liaoning Province, “Hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and conscientiously implement the important thinking of the 'Three Represents,' further emancipate our minds, take development as the theme, structural adjustment as the main line, reform and opening up and Scientific and technological progress as the driving force and the improvement of people's living standards as the fundamental starting point. We will implement the three strategies of invigorating Jiangxi through science and education, opening up to the outside world and promoting sustainable development. We will promote industrialization through informatization and promote economic development and all-round social progress. In order to achieve the third step toward modernization, Strategic goals and lay a solid foundation ”and the general economic development goals of“ an average increase of 9% in GDP and an average annual increase of 9% in general budget revenue of local governments and a total investment in fixed assets of 77,000 million ” Liaoning Province, all walks of life must take the lead in doing a good job in personnel and intellectual development, in particular, it is necessary to make the prediction of the needs of personnel in short supply. In order to smoothly achieve the grand goal of Liaoning's “10th Five-year Plan” for economic and social development, provide abundant high-level talents and Mental support.
本文结合大学生自杀实例,分析自杀的心理及产生变态心理的因素,提出了对大学生自杀行为的一些防范措施。 This article combines the suicide examples of college students
熟练的手工创作不仅是心灵手巧的表现,还是智慧的延伸,是激发艺术灵感的温床。让孩子们将构想赋予手工,使创意生动化,这是培养艺术修养再好不过的方式了。那么,我们一起汲取“小艺术家们”的灵感,享受一场“手工盛宴”吧!  在日本,有“美人子役”之称的当红童星谷花音是位不折不扣的小美女,她不仅是实力小演员,还是位小才女。近期,她第四次参加了日本托特包品牌ROOTOTE举行的慈善活动。她设计的创意环保袋名为“
根据《国务院关于开展一九九○年税收财务物价大检查的通知》,现制定实施办法如下: 一、关于检查的步骤。这次税收、财务、物价大检查,分为宣传发动、单位自查、重点检查和