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1.激素型除草剂 2.4—滴丁酯,2—甲4—氯是典型的激素除草剂,小于0.001%时刺激植物生长,大于0.01%时抑制植物生长,敏感植物受害叶片,叶柄和茎尖卷曲,茎基部变粗,肿裂霉烂。根部受害变粗,变短,根毛缺损,水分与营养物质吸收和传导受影响,严重时全株死亡。一般玉米因药害症状的叶片卷曲,形成葱状叶,抽雄难,茎秆脆且易断(折);叶色浓绿,严重的叶变黄、干枯,无雌穗;小麦超过正常用量1.5倍时,穗颈和穗部变为紫褐色,群体远看发黑,不孕小穗达87%,严 1. Hormonal herbicide 2.4-D butyl ester, 2-A 4-Chlorine is a typical hormone herbicide, less than 0.001% stimulate plant growth, greater than 0.01% inhibition of plant growth, sensitive plant damage leaves, petioles and shoot tips Curly, stem base thicker, swollen and rotten. Root damage thicker, shorter, root hair defects, moisture and nutrient absorption and conduction affected, severe death of the whole plant. General corn curly leaves due to phytotoxicity symptoms, the formation of green onion leaves, males difficult, stem brittle and easily broken (off); leaf color dark green, serious leaves turn yellow, dry, no scion; wheat exceeded the normal dosage of 1.5 Times, panicle neck and spike into a purple-brown, the group looked black, sterile spike reached 87%, strict
Object-oriented modeling with declarative equation based languages often unconsciously leads to structural inconsistencies. Component-based debugging is a new s
微生物肥料是指含有活微生物,施入土壤后,由于微生物的生命活动使农作物得到特定的肥料效应,而导致作物生长茁壮或产量增加的一类制品。 Microbial fertilizer refers to a