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美国加利福尼亚州旧金山以南200海里,从普里西马角到康塞普申角,海岸线向东急转,构成一条圣巴巴拉海峡,大潮汹涌,巨浪拍岸,是世界上最危险的海岸之一。在这段25海里长的火山熔岩暗礁和浅滩中部,层峦叠嶂,飞岩凌空,地图上标示的地名叫翁达角,它象一只粗糙坚硬的拳头插进太平洋,犹如哨兵屹立在海边。“翁达”是西班牙语,其意是深湾或浅滩。此处,狂涛巨浪猛扑险峻的悬崖,锯齿般的火山熔岩星罗 200 sea miles south of San Francisco, California, from Cape Crema to Cape Conservatorium, the coastline is turning eastward to form a St Barbara Strait with tidal waves and shoreline lapping. It is the most dangerous coast in the world one. Over this 25-nautical-long volcanic lava reef and the middle of the shoal, there are numerous volcanoes flying over the sky. The place name on the map is Ongahleda. It plunges into the Pacific like a rough, hard fist, just as the Sentinel stands by the sea. “Onda” is Spanish, its meaning is deep bay or shallows. Here, steep waves billowing steep cliffs, serrated volcano lava star Luo
江苏省东方混凝土真空设备有限公司开发研制成功一种适用于新旧混凝土路面及机场、跑道、广场、地坪上制作防滑纹的CW-7.5型混凝土路面刻纹机。其刀排间距及刻纹深度均 Jia