Hotheads and Cell--Phones

来源 :科技英语学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:david_jts
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本刊今年第2期曾经刊登了“使用手机可能引起高血压”的文章。张锡宝先生选注的这篇文章提出了相反的观点。值得一读。 以下是选注者言: 关于移动电话是否有害健康是个热门话题,有不少学术及大众文章对此有过评论或报道。笔者的总体印象是,认为移动电话有害健康的观点似乎占上风。本文则报道了一例科学实验,证明从短期效应上讲,移动电话不光对健康无害,而且还能加快人脑对外界刺激的反应速度。注意在本文中 Mobile telephone、Cell phone、Mobile phone均是移动电话的意思。另外请读者注意 Hothead一词在本文中的双关运用:它的原意是指那些头脑发热的人,并由此引申为易于激动、性急鲁莽的人;而在本文中则用此词戏指那些受移动电话微波辐射而头脑微微发热的受实验者——它告诉我们,即使Hotheads也有优点。 In the 2nd issue of this issue, the article “Use of cell phones may cause high blood pressure” was published. The article selected by Mr. Zhang Xibao raised the opposite view. It is worth reading. The following are the candidates’ comments: The question of whether mobile phones are harmful to health is a hot topic. There are many academic and popular articles that have commented or reported on this. The author’s overall impression is that the view that mobile phones are harmful to health seems to prevail. This article reports on a scientific experiment that proves that mobile phones are not only health-impaired but also accelerate the human brain’s response to external stimuli. Note that in this article, Mobile telephone, Cell phone, and Mobile phone all mean mobile phones. In addition, the reader is invited to note the use of the word hothead in this article: Its intent is to refer to those who have a feverish mind, and from this to those who are prone to excitement and impatience; and in this article, they are used to refer to those who are affected by it. The experimenter who microwaved on the mobile phone and had a slightly warmer brain - it tells us that even Hotheads have advantages.
一位美国的神经心理学家David Weeks,花费了10年时间,足迹遍布Britain, Europe and the United States,就一个问题作认真的调查研究。这个问题是:Do you look and feel young
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天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福! 本文主题句囊括了悲剧内客:美国得克萨斯州的A&.M University正在搭建中的一座准备用于感恩节篝火晚会的大型金字塔形建筑突然倒塌,造成9名大学生