现在约80%的人的癌变与环境中致癌物质有关。但在耳鼻喉科领域,特别是关于鼻腔致癌的报告很少。作者以小白鼠作试验,使用一种亚硝基化合物——1,4二亚硝基哌嗪(1.4 dinitrosopiperazine,以下简称DNP),重点观察鼻腔肿瘤形成的初期变化。实验将DNP用蒸溜水溶解为0.01%的溶液,作为饮料口服。实验动物分为4组:一组DNP连续口服10周后给饮用自来水,分别在实验开始后的10周、20周、30周宰杀;二组在连续口服DNP的20周后给饮用自来水,在实验开始后的20周、30周宰杀;三组连续口服DNP 30周后宰杀;四组仅给自来水作为对照组。白鼠宰杀断头后,将鼻部脱灰,在前额部断开,用H-E等染色进行病理组织学检查。一部分白鼠鼻中隔、鼻甲及筛骨板摘出,用扫描电
About 80% of cancers are now related to carcinogens in the environment. However, there are few reports of otolaryngology, especially about nasal carcinogenesis. The authors used mice for experiments, using a nitrosyl compound, 1.4 dinitrospiperazine (DNP), to highlight the initial changes in nasal tumor formation. Experiment DNP dissolved in distilled water as a 0.01% solution, as a drink orally. The experimental animals were divided into 4 groups: a group of DNP was orally administered for 10 weeks to drinking tap water, respectively, after the start of the experiment 10 weeks, 20 weeks, 30 weeks slaughtered; two groups in the continuous oral administration of DNP after 20 weeks to drinking tap water, 20 weeks after the start of the experiment, 30 weeks slaughtered; three consecutive oral administration of DNP after 30 weeks slaughtered; four groups only to tap water as a control group. After the rats were sacrificed to break their heads, the nasal part was de-ashed and cut off in the forehead. Histopathological examination was performed by staining with H-E and the like. Part of the rat nasal septum, turbinate and ethmoid plate removed, with scanning electricity