
来源 :中学政治教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:junxiaohao
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在人类发展的历史长河中,家庭是人们营生的社会群体,是人类社会生活的组织形式之一。家庭乃人类的第一所学校,父母是人类的第一位教师,因此,家庭、家庭教育,对于儿童和青少年的健康成长十分重要。家庭结构是否完整,家庭关系是否协调,家庭教育是否得当,以及家庭中父母的素质优劣都会对青少年产生有利或不利的影响。实践证明,文明家庭对于青少年健康成长是有利的,不文明家庭反而会成为导致青少年犯罪的重要因素。 1.家庭破裂是导致青少年犯罪的因素之一 所谓家庭结构是指家庭成员的排列、组合和搭配。它包括两层意思:其一,家庭由哪些成员组成;其二,家庭成员之间如何组合,即产生怎样的关系。在家庭中有三种最基本的成员和两种最基本的关系共同组成家庭结构的核心和稳定的三角。从结构学上看,两点只能成 In the long history of human development, the family is a social group where people live and is one of the organizational forms of human social life. Family is the first school in humanity. Parents are the first teachers of human beings. Therefore, family and family education are very important to the healthy growth of children and adolescents. Whether the family structure is intact, whether family relations are harmonized, whether family education is appropriate, and the quality of parents in families have a positive or negative effect on adolescents. Practice has proved that civilized families are beneficial to the healthy growth of young people, and uncivilized families can become an important factor that leads to juvenile delinquency. 1. Family breakdown is one of the factors leading to juvenile delinquency Family structure refers to the arrangement, combination and collocation of family members. It includes two meanings: first, which members of the family are made up of; and second, what is the relationship between family members when they are combined. In the family, there are three basic members and the two most basic relations that together form the core of the family structure and a stable triangle. From a structural point of view, two can only become
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